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Re: [Testbed-admins] NetFPGA Instructions

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:54:49AM -0500, David A. Kotz wrote:
> Now that I'm using an NS file, I move on to the following error, which 
> seems to suggest its own solution, but I wanted to ask before hacking 
> the database.
> ________
> Type precheck passed.
>    *** No possible mapping for nfrouter
>        No links of type ethernet found! (2 requested)
>    *** No possible mapping for nfhost
>        No physical nodes have feature hosts-netfpga!
> *** Node mapping precheck failed!
> ________
> I see that there is a node_type_features table in the database which is 
> currently empty.  Should it have entries to indicate that pcr200 has the 
> feature "hosts-netfpga"?

You can either remove the line in your NS file that specifies the desire for
a node that has that feature, or you can add a feature to the node_features
table for each node that hosts a netfpga (or, if all your nodes of a specific
type have netfpgas, add it to the node_type_features table like you suggest).

(Note that adding features to nodes or node types means that when assign adds a
node to the mapping, the mapping score will be increased by the weight you
specify for the feature... and this will make it more unlikely that users who
do not specifically ask for netfpgas get nodes that host the cards (because
there is a higher scoring penalty for including them).)

> - dave
