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Re: [Testbed-admins] NetFPGA Instructions

I'm not familiar with manually adding nodes, especially not something odd like the NetFPGA. Here's what I have so far:

* FC6-NetFPGA image that works on our r200 machines with NetFPGA boards; interfaces show up in ifconfig

* NETFPGA dummy OS descriptor

* netfpga node type with just the following attributes
  memory: 64
  processor: Xilinx Virtex-II Pro 50
  default_osid: 181 (the dummy OS)
  isssubnode: 1

Now I need to create an interface type for the NetFPGA ports like this:

 type: nf2
 max_speed: 1000000
 full_duplex: 1
 manufacturer: Xilinx
 model: NetFPGA
 ports: 4
 connector: RJ45

and an entry for each NetFPGA like:

 node_id: netfpga1
 type: netfpga
 phys_nodeid: pc30
 role: testnode

and then 4 interface entries for each node somewhat like this:

 node_id: netfpga1
 card: ??
 port: ??
 mac: 004E46324300
 IPaliases: NULL
 mask: NULL
 interface_type: nf2
 iface: nf2c0
 role: expt
 current_speed: 0
 duplex: full
 rtabid: 0
 vnode_id: NULL
 whol: 0
 uuid: ?????

Note the question marks. I'm not sure what to use in those spots. The table for my existing nodes has card numbers all over the place but port number 1 for nearly everything but the APC NICs. Does the UUID come from a sequence defined in the database or something like that? Should the NetFPGA be defined as a single card with 4 ports, or will it actually be seen as 4 single-port cards?

- dave

David M. Johnson wrote:
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:27:45AM -0700, Harley S Green wrote:
I have them installed in existing pc nodes and downloaded the image to customize, but I would appreciate any pointers on how to set them up in the database.

One more relevant bit of mail.  You need to add the netfpgas as "subnodes" as
described below...

From: "David M. Johnson" <johnsond@flux.utah.edu>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 17:31:05 -0700
To: Michael Blodgett <mblodget@cs.wisc.edu>
Cc: Emulab-derived testbed admins/operators <testbed-admins@flux.utah.edu>
Subject: Re: [Testbed-admins] netfpga/ixp

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:53:18AM -0600, Michael Blodgett wrote:
I was wondering how the NetFPGA or IXP cards are setup at Utah, I'm
looking at integrating our DAG cards into the testbed (separate from the
protogeni work),  I'm pretty familiar with how to manually put a node in
the database, but unclear on how the child-parent node relationship is

The "subnode abstraction" is pretty simple. It works well for network devices (i.e., with ports and wires) hosted inside existing Emulab nodes. To add one, here's what you need to do:

  * add a node type for the subnodes (and in creating the type, make sure to
    set the 'issubnode' field to 1)
  * add the subnodes themselves, manually, adding any necessary
    interfaces, and wires entries for each subnode, just like you would for a
    regular elab node
  * for each subnode, set the 'phys_nodeid' field in the nodes table to the
    node_id of the elab node that hosts it
  * write a client side script that configures the node (take a look at
testbed/tmcd/linux/netfpgactl and you will get the idea; also, if you need to add a command to tmcd to get more config info than just the regular
    ifconfig output (i.e., interfaces and their IP config info), look at
dosubconfig and doixpconfig in testbed/tmcd/tmcd.c as examples, and maybe testbed/tmcd/linux/ixpboot).

Hopefully that will do it...
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