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Re: [Testbed-admins] Problem with TERMCAP in MFS image

I tried changing TERM to ansi, ANSI, xterm, vt100 but nothing
changed anything.  I suspect I'm changing the right setting, or at
least not all of the right settings....  I assume I am missing
something.  how should TERM be set? do I need to recreate the
TERMCAP database?  Is this something that is done automatically when
a user logs in to let apps know what type of terminal is being used?

So here is what I did:

On boss go to /usr/ports/editors/jove and do:

boss> sudo make clean
boss> sudo make LDFLAGS=-static

The binary will land in ./work or in /usr/obj ... go find the jjove
binary and scp that over to your node running the MFS:

boss> sudo scp jjove pcXXX:/tmp

Then take the file attached to this message and scp that over to your
node. Then ssh to your node and do:

pcXXX> sh
pcXXX> . /tmp/ttt
pcxxx> /tmp/jjove

and you should get a full screen jove ...

ps: this sorta assumes that both the MFS and your boss are running 6.X
(where X does not need to be the same, just the 6 part).

Attachment: t
Description: Binary data