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[Testbed-admins] Problem with TERMCAP in MFS image

I can't use vi in the MFS image to edit files to customizre the various images

when I ssh into the machine I get:
csh: Cannot open /etc/termcap
csh: using dumb terminal settings

when I try to edit a file (with vi) I get:

"vi: no terminal database found"

I've googled for this and it seams that a database is missing since
/usr isn't mounted in the MFS.  Since I had the FreeBSD image mounted
to /mnt, I linked /usr to /mnt/usr which created the correct path to
vi and the database, but I still can't open vi. This doesn't allow vi
to find the database.  anyone else have this or similar problems with

Ben Burnett
  R&D Software Engineer: wired, wireless, ad hoc, mesh networking,
    network monitoring and data visualization
  ATC (Architecture Technology Corporation)   http://www.atcorp.com/
  bburnett@atcorp.com                         (952) 829-5864 x167
  --------Views expressed are mine and not those of ATC--------
    ben@burnett.ws                            http://www.burnett.ws/