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Re: [Testbed-admins] Nodes does not boot after hitting 'Create'

Although not stated in the README file for freebsd.newnode ->
"Unlike the other MFSes, there is no real need to customize this
one." I followed a similar procedure to those for freebsd or frisbee
and now the node does boot after creation. However, I think
something goes wrong here because it boots from the same MFS as it
did before:

Okay, whatever works!

Emulab looking for control net among bge0 de0
Emulab control net is bge0
Node is already a real node named pc1

As expected the node now has the same IP as the temporal IP it had
before the creation and not the IP that I configured when creating
the node.

Take a look in /usr/testbed/etc/dhcpd.conf; when you create a node,
that file is updated and dhcpd is restarted. I suspect there is no
entry for your node, and the reason for that might be that you do not
have any switches. I know Rob said you could proceed without the
switches, but I forget what the trick is to get create node to still
get the control interface figured out.

Let me think about that for a bit.
