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Re: [Testbed-admins] Console XMLRPC Error when setting up tipserv

I ran the tipserv-install but it did not create that directory.  The
directions say to configure tipserv like ops.  What does that mean

Hi. It means you drag the Emulab src directory over to your tipserv
machine and configure/build/install it using the defs file that
you used on boss. Only instead of using the boss-install target, you
use the tipserv-install target.

boss> cd /your/objdir
boss> /your/srcdir/configure --with-TBDEFS=<your-defs-file> <options>
boss> gmake
boss> sudo gmake tipserv-install

I've been trying to run console from tipserv, as in Step 7 - Test
It!  Does it need admin privileges?  It doesn't seem like I should
need that.  console.bin pc1 gives an error:

open: No such file or directory
Error opening ACL file '/var/log/tiplogs/pc1.acl'

Have you started the capture processes yet? If that file does not
exist, it sounds like capture is not running as per the instructions
on this page:

