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Re: Earthquake news (OT)-brain dead

At 11:06 AM 3/3/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Judi--
>T.J. sounds like he definitely knew something
>was up!  I'm glad he was there with you.  I
>was really glad to have Bo with me and especially
>thankful that he stayed so calm throughout--
>despite my attempts to tease Gina.  I think Bo
>is just too mellow to stress out over things like
>earthquakes.  He has a hard time getting excited
>over anything other than his toys!
>Take care all, Lori

Well here at Brier the only dog who got upset was ME!  All k-9's took the 
quake in stride, no barking no upset at all even the Asoro dog who know's 
nothing of quakes only tornados. IIene informed me Wed eve that she will 
have to be my far away friend as she will not put her self into EQ 
country.  To her my reply was ok let me know when you make it through the 
next tornado this season, if you do, I made it through the quake...

Back to Wed:   Everyone was in the house at the time and didn't so much as 
perk and ear, seam distressed or otherwise concerned.  Now I have been in 
several quakes with my dogs and while I hear that dogs are suppose to have 
more of an intuition on these things I fear Lori is right the Brier dogs ( 
minus TJ) <snicker> are all just a little brain dead!  I just have to 
concur with Lori: I like brain dead!  Though she was much nicer and used a 
bigger word brain dead is still brain dead!  <LOL>  Also Judi: TJ is 
special and just because he's so smart we won't hold it against him... <hug>

On that topic sort of (brain dead):  Ditto's nick name Dipster, first night 
alone went excellent, she slept from 10:00 PM till 7:00 AM without so much 
as a whimper.  She was next to my side of the bed in her crate which I 
elevated to be even with the mattress.  She could see me, smell me and knew 
I was there.  She is now asleep under my feet. :-)
