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Re: Earthquake news (OT)-brain dead

Gina Heitz wrote:
> Well here at Brier the only dog who got upset was ME!  All k-9's took the 
> quake in stride, no barking no upset at all even the Asoro dog who know's 
> nothing of quakes only tornados. IIene informed me Wed eve that she will 
> have to be my far away friend as she will not put her self into EQ 
> country.  To her my reply was ok let me know when you make it through the 
> next tornado this season, if you do, I made it through the quake...

I am so glad that everyone is ok. I LOVE the PNW and would love to
relocate there! I think though, I am going to be happy with visits to
Gina's after this quake. How scary. Yes, we live in an area that is
storm terrifying. The tornado season has my daughter in the basement
more than she lives upstairs. The dogs never react to the storms though,
and I would think they would. They are so used to the tornado alarms
they do not even flinch when they go off. There is one right near my
property, and they get tested every month on Saturdays. So, maybe the
first time, then it is old stuff for them. The only thing they do do
when we are in shelter, is want to play, cause "hey, what are we all
doing in the basement, if not to play"  
Glad you all are well, and no major problems with you. I am surprised
more of you are not off-line, as you "will" see periods this spring and
summer where I will be because of storms. But, the only shaking that
goes on here, is when the trees fall on your house, that kinda rattles
the walls and windows a little <LOL>


Ilene Cook