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[Testbed-admins] trying to image a drive and get "no superblock found"

I'm trying to image our customized standard image and I'm getting an error:

[root@boss](2:42pm)#sudo ssh pc1 imagezip /dev/da0 - > FBSD62+FC8-STD.ndz
imagezip: BSD Partition 'a': No superblock found
  Filesystem specific error in Slice 1, use -R1 to force raw compression.
* * * Aborting * * *

to make this image I started first with FBSD62+FC6-STD.ndz  then I
unzipped an FC8 image onto the FC6 partition and now I'm trying to
reimage the complete pair back to boss.  Did I mess up the
"superblock"?  and if so any idea how to fix it?


Ben Burnett
  R&D Software Engineer: wired, wireless, ad hoc, mesh networking,
    network monitoring and data visualization
  ATC (Architecture Technology Corporation)   http://www.atcorp.com/
  bburnett@atcorp.com                         (952) 829-5864 x167
  --------Views expressed are mine and not those of ATC--------
    ben@burnett.ws                            http://www.burnett.ws/