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Re: [Testbed-admins] trying to image a drive and get "no superblock found"

[root@boss](2:42pm)#sudo ssh pc1 imagezip /dev/da0 - > FBSD62+FC8- STD.ndz
imagezip: BSD Partition 'a': No superblock found
Filesystem specific error in Slice 1, use -R1 to force raw compression.
* * * Aborting * * *

to make this image I started first with FBSD62+FC6-STD.ndz then I
unzipped an FC8 image onto the FC6 partition and now I'm trying to
reimage the complete pair back to boss.  Did I mess up the
"superblock"?  and if so any idea how to fix it?

What command did you use to unzip the FC8 part? Does it still boot the
FC8 part?

Not finding the superblock is probably just the first of many
problems, but you can try booting into the admin MFS and then do an
fsck on the freebsd partition.
