
I thank my thesis committee for assisting in the design and description of Alta; implementing Fluke in Java was conceived by my committee chair, Jay Lepreau. Mike Hibler and Bryan Ford deserve special credit for designing and implementing Fluke, in addition to their suggestions and ideas for Alta. Godmar Back, Eric Eide, John McCorquodale, Sean McDirmid, and Alastair Reid all helped me with Java and helped me refine my design for Alta.

Tim Wilkinson and Glynn Clements, whom I have never met, deserve recognition for building the systems--Kaffe and Kore, respectively--that I used as foundations for Alta.

Finally, I must thank Colette Mullenhoff for her support and understanding for the duration of this thesis.

This research was largely supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, monitored by the Department of the Army under contract DABT63-94-C-0058, and the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome Research Site, USAF, under agreement F30602-96-2-0269.