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A Brier Digest from Gina

First Carol and All,

Great post on Hunters and Shaun's trip.  Thanks for keeping us all 
entertained so well! :-)  So everyone knows, goldens are not intended to be 
flushing dogs.  Some will flush, but primarily that is left up to the 
setters in the sporting group.  But hey if Hunter wants to flush and Shaun 
can bring out the ability then more power to them!


The puppies are doing great, and are very cute.  As I type I am loading to 
the server new pictures:


In the spot light are Max and Sam :-)  These guys as I have said more than 
once now, are a very kicked back group, content to be together and happy to 
stay in the small confinement of the whelping box or loose on the tarp in 
the whelping room.  I will be moving them over probably Friday to the play 
room though.  They are using the potty box as you can go see in the new 
photo's.  They don't use it exclusively but hey they are only 4 weeks and 3 
days old.

Third:  VISITS :-)

George has Navy this weekend so it's all up to me... So I have decided to 
just have a basic free for all here.  Saturday between 1:00 and 4:00 and 
Sunday, noon to 3:00.   So if you would like to come please do but if you 
could give me a heads up as to when that would be great. This will also 
give each of you an opportunity to meet others you might have not met yet 
in the group.

Fourth: Rescue update

I have been spending a bit of time on this and so far it looks like two 
dogs will be re-homed soon.  Dan and Mary Ellen Lucas who have a brother to 
Gidget have been approved and are expecting Forrest to arrive in Fairbanks 
on February 6th. Forrest will have a few hour layover in Seattle and if 
anyone knows anyone that might be able to spell him from about  11:00 Am to 
Noon that would be great.  Lori who lives in Seattle will be in Arizona 
with family at that time so she can't do it.

I am sure Bill and Gin who are adopting a Gidget SeaJay pup will as well be 
approved by RAG (they better be) <grin> and we are just going to have to 
work out the logistics on how to get their new buddy out here.  So far a 
CUR (Canine Underground Railroad) run has not been able to be established 
from Phoenix to Portland.  Yanna and Rick who were working on setting up 
the run have gone to Mexico for a week or so, perhaps when they return 
things on that front might improve.

If anyone knows any one who is a responsible person that might be avail to 
help, traveling by car or even air between point A and B please have them 
contact me or Joyce: JOYCE15448@aol.com  Spreading the word is often the 
only help one can offer and not good offers are ever refused when it comes 
to helping the dogs.  Please don't feel guilty if you can not help with the 
dogs, it's not my intention to make any one feel guilty.  I just know if 
you don't ask you don't get an answer. :-)  I also want everyone in the 
world to know that no matter the breed, there are always deserving dogs in 
need of help.

With that I will close out and go play with your puppies.
