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Re: [Testbed-admins] Emulab software upgrade plan inquery

Yes, it's in the 'linux-port' branch. It hasn't been synced up with the master branch for quite a while, so probably the first thing to do would be to try to merge the 'master' branch back into it.

Problem is, we (Utah) don't have the cycles right now to do this or to support it - but for a brave admin who's not afraid to patch problems that they find, it should be a doable project. However, I wouldn't recommend going straight to a production testbed - I'd probably bring up a new boss and ops on Linux first, before trying to run an existing, production boss and ops on it.

On 6/24/10 1:56 AM, Jos De Graeve wrote:
On 06/23/2010 09:54 PM, Mike Hibler wrote:
We have tested the most recent software with FreeBSD 7.x but not 8.x.
It has also been ported to Linux, but that port is not production quality yet.

This sounds interesting.  What is the status of this Linux port ?  Is
this linux port included in the git-public/emulab-devel repository ?

Kind regards,
Jos De Graeve
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