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Re: [Testbed-admins] Booting error in Customizing the Generic Image

* 'Ryan Jackson' <rdjackso@flux.utah.edu> [091030 17:46]:
> * Cheng Cui <ccui1@tigers.lsu.edu> [091030 17:13]:
> > Yes, it works. Now, I can see the grub prompt. Thanks very much.
> > However, how could I boot the admin MFS and then customize the node
> > image? It looks this linux based pxeboot a little bit different from the
> > FreeBSD based one, at least the admin MFS cannot be loaded
> > automatically.
> Actually you shouldn't normally see a grub prompt, but you should see
> some output besides that initial message from Grub.  The fact that
> you're not implies that something is wrong somewhere.  Once everything
> is working, the Linux MFS will load automatically.
> Was the picture you sent earlier of a serial console or some sort of
> remote-console application?  I'm not sure what kind of machine you're
> working with, so it would help to know something about it.

Try this:

Move the grub.cfg file back to where it was before, then comment out
the first three lines of the file (the lines starting with 'terminal'
and 'serial').  Try booting grub again and tell me if you get any

If this works, you will also need to change the kernel command lines
in /tftpboot/frisbee_linux/grub.cfg and
/tftpboot/admin_linux/grub.cfg.  Delete the part that says
'console=ttyS0,115200' to force the output to go to the VGA console.
