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[Testbed-admins] Issue with setup of power controller and power cycling node


I'm one of the administrators for the Emulab setup at Georgia Tech.
We recently have done an overhaul of the system by installing the newer
version of emulab.
We are some issues with the setup of the power controller and being able to power cycle the node.

We have a RPC10 power controller which is similar to a RPC27.
For the setup of the power controller I followed the instructions in the doc/setup-archive/setup-serial-and-power.txt file.

We dont have a different tipserv and are using the ops machine to store the logs. The capture scripts are setup on ops. The power controllers are connected on ops using serial ports. We also have different terminal servers for the nodes so haven't setup the capture scripts for the nodes.

Also, entries are made into nodes (for powerctrl), tiplines (for powerctrl), outlets (for nodes).

This is the line in the capture.sh script:

/usr/testbed/sbin/capture -T 15 -r -s 9600 power0 /dev/cuad0 >/dev/null 2>&1 &

These are the outputs from the console and power cycle scripts:

ops> console power0
*** /usr/testbed/bin/console:
    /usr/testbed/bin/script_wrapper.py failed

boss> power cycle pc1
Use of uninitialized value in pack at /usr/testbed/lib/power_rpc27.pm line 381.
*** Cannot connect to power0 on ops.(my.domain.name)(0)
*** Could not form TIP connection to power0
Control of pc1 failed.
pc1 now rebooting

Any idea if I need to anything else to the database/capture scripts?
