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Re: Bounced messages

At 07:50 AM 7/11/01 -0700, you wrote:
>FYI folks. Our email server will not allow huge messages to go through.
>I have the limit set at 300K, to avoid the pain most of you will feel at
>downloading them.
>If you want people to see your pictures, please put them on your web page,
>or send them to Gina privately, who can post them on the brier web page.
>I mention this because a couple of big messages have been rejected in the
>last few days.

Hi All,

In reply, I am the most guilty of sending pictures to the list, slapping my 
own hand here. :-)  Reason being I don't have room on my hard drive to save 
all the pictures I take, hence I can not put them up on a page either, 
which also means I do not have room to store yours either so please do not 
send me picture files with out asking me first.  Rule of thumb to try to 
follow is to keep files between 15 and 100 K  [K not MEG] and to only send 
1 picture per session to me or I may get a lock up.

I as well have a limit set on my server because as Leigh points out large 
downloads *are* a real pain.  I have had problems with my server locking up 
form large files and to clear these is not fun and sometimes necessitates 
calling my ISP to unlock me as sometimes these locks totally knock out my 
email...  If this happens on a weekend I am down for the count so to speak...

I will go check out Yahoo.com some time this week, I think they have a 
place there that can be utilized as a place to share pictures where maybe I 
don't have to store the web docs...  If anyone knows more about this that 
I, I surely would be all ears if you  have time to come 
forward...  Privately on this would be fine...

who really still thinks you all needed to see Lucy though.... :-)))