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Re: Flea control

Linda Shipman wrote:
 > If Gina's requirements are uncomfortable, there are other
> boarding kennels where you will pay big bucks and your
> dog will get a smidgen amount of care compared to what
> Gina devotes to all her charges.

 I couldn't have said it better. I too, take in my clients dogs for
boarding. My husband wants me to stop. It amazes me to, the attitude
some folks have. I wonder if they have ever checked a boarding kennels
rates. I just hear "We don't want him in a kennel, we only trust you".
 So does this mean they haven't checked the rules and rates at a kennel?
My husband thinks they will very quick if I tell them "No More!" 
  These people seem to think that their dog is coming here for "my"
enjoyment. They do not consider the large amount of dogs I already have
for "my" enjoyment. Of course it isn't work. They seem to put me in a
category of a "crazy weirdo" that loves dogs so much, that I need to
surround myself with them on a daily basis just to keep on breathing. 
 Do not get me wrong, I do love my dogs, I do love showing and breeding
and working my dogs. I do ENJOY each and every client that gets one of
my puppies, But, I can get on just fine without the extra work load,
that I do for half the price of a real kennel, with all the perks of
home care.
 Now, these dogs coming into my home, they are exposing "my" dogs to all
kinds of things. Fleas being one of them. My dogs are kept in a very
controlled environment, in a very controlled way. Because they live
together if one gets sick, they all get sick. If one gets fleas, they
all get fleas. "Fleas" is a word that I do not even like to say. For a
person with a single dog, it is beyond your imagination what happens
when ten dogs get fleas. The other side of this, a boarding kennel that
doesn't have a flea policy, well, how about coming home from your nice
vacation, to find your dog infested with fleas?
  OK, I have run off way too long, but thought that I could vent now
that the subject has come up. Please respect Gina's wishes on this. She
is doing you a great service by boarding your dog. I just hope this post
helps you see the other side of the coin.

Ilene Cook