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He did good!  2nd Open dog out of 17 today.  That is a nice size 
class.  Bob (his new best friend and handler) was very pleased is very 
excited and really wants to hit it with SeaJay this spring.  Here is the plan:

Next weekend Corvallis, April: 11 shows in Idaho/Eastern WA  May: Inland 
Empire Golden Specialty with 4 All Breed shows attached Then down to 
Southern Oregon for Klamath Falls and possibly Elma fit the "boys" are not 
to tired...

Did I say Bob was high on SeaJay?  <grin>  He said that the biggest thing 
he has to work on with SeaJay is to teach him to have fun in the show 
ring.  My fault I wanted him trained and trained he is.  Bob was very 
impressed and now it's his job to loosen him up.  I suggested tennis balls. 

Bob was very impressed with SeaJay's over all condition, coat and physical 
condition muscular well conditioned athletic.  On grooming I was offered a 
road job... :-)  Bob only had to fluff him didn't have to scissor a hair, I 
groomed him on Thursday and he got him Friday evening.  He was so pleased 
with my work that he doesn't feel he needs to get SeaJay on Friday next 
week, just bring him down Saturday morning.

Ok Ok enough bragging...  The lesson to learn here can be applied to simple 
puppy training:  Make it fun, be sure your training and not being conned 
out of food and praise un deserved  but make the lesson fun.  Don't forget 
we have a CGC this summer!

Thanks for all of your notes and support!  IIene a special hug for your 
postings to the list.
