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Re: Too Quiet!!!

At 03:36 PM 3/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Gina,  Yes, I've been quiet, but very busy.  Have gotten involved in a
>local theater group.  I make sets and costumes...no acting.  Ruby Rose is
>just dandy.  What a love.  Anyone who gets the next Sprite/SeaJay litter will
>be enormously lucky.  Love,  C...

Carolyn lives with Ruby Rose who is from Sprite bred to SeaJay last year. 
The Sprite SeaJay puppies are very similar in temperament to the Gidget 
SeaJay puppies.  No surprise here to me. :-)   They live in Long Beach 
CA.  Carolyn went nuts when she got RR, she made great changes in her 
life:  Traded in her station wagon for an SUV to name one...  Think she 
also added AC to her house???


When you have a free hand would you please share with us about Ruby Rose's 
first year?  It's hard to believe but we are fast approaching the one year 
mark for the 2000 litters:  March 31 and April 2.

Oh on themes:  Keep thinking.  Blue is out and I hope I never end up with a 
puppy named Blue Moon,,, that is probably the #1 "moon" name all time in 
any breed...  Blue Moon is right up there in my book with naming your 
golden Spike :-)