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I was given permission by the author of this post to share this with you 

Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 20:37:37 EST
From: Sylvia Donahey
Subject: Calypso Jo -- 10-16-90 to 3-3-01

Jeff asked me to share this sad news with all of you.
Am-Can-Jap Ch. Edgehill Nautilus Calypso Jo WC, OS, SDHF

Jo died this morning.
Jeff writes, "...Jo was a wonderful companion, always gentle in his ways of
life. He was a stoic gentleman and ruled my home with a gentle but
authoritative presence. He trained all of my puppies, he trained me to
realize that wins alone in the show ring are not what's most important. Jo
had slowed down greatly in the past several months. He learned that the
creature comforts that he had resisted for so long as a youngster, were now
important. He slept on the furniture and on my bed at night. He swam with
great gusto in the pond and was always first to his food bowl.
"Jo was special to each one of us in a different way. Perhaps you knew
him personally, or maybe just his contribution to Golden Retrievers, but
either way, he made his mark.

"Jo left this life in the way he lived it, with dignity and love in his
heart. He refused to succumb to his illness and kept his head up until his
very last breath."
Jo was 10 1/2 years of age. He went from perfectly happy last night to the
end at 11:30 this morning. Jeff was with him the entire time. Hemangiosarcoma
is suspected as they found multiple tumors in his liver, heart, lungs and
spleen. Thank you, Jeff, for having the courage to share this information
with the fancy. In no way does it diminish Jo's legacy or the love we all
have for him -- and you.
I remember when he won Best of Breed at the 93 NS and how proud you were
during the photo session -- laughing and teasing. I was pleased to be there
when you won BOB at the Eastern Regional with him from Veterans class two
years ago and he looked like a youngster out for a romp. You and Jo -- it was
a match made in heaven. And speaking of heaven, I bet Bob was standing there
this morning, lead in hand, waiting for him.
God bless.