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Vet visit & stuff

Hi All,

Ugg what a day!  First our phone went out, came back and went out again in back on right now but who knows... Everyone has my cell number right:  503-804-8344 George's cell is 503-579-7206.

  Two of the vet's at our clinic called in sick and you guessed it our appointment was canceled at 9:00 AM  for a 10:00 AM appointment.  Aloha Dog and Cat to the rescue!  I quickly loaded everyone up and off to Aloha we went, for an 11:00 AM appointment.  

All is well EXCEPT the puppies have Coccidia so we are treating for that.  No one is "sick sick" but a couple are a bit off however this changes from hour to hour with puppies often.  Below is an excerpt from your puppy go home books on coccidia (you will get a printed copy in your book)  but this is so everyone knows and understands what coccidia is now and is not alarmed.  Coccidia is very common in puppies.  In addition to the material below:  I had already started treatment as stated below stress is a factor in the little bug being active, and going home is stress, whether stress is good or bad it's still stress...  So were on the right track and all should be just fine.  I will send home medication with everyone to complete the course.  Adult dogs at home should not be affected but taking precautions are always prudent, clean up your puppies poop right away, don't allow other pets to eat it and you should be just fine.  Chances are your other pet's have had Coccidia before and as I say should not be affected.  Gidget is obviously harboring it and is as well being treated, btw, she shows no signs of symptoms.  This is normal too.  If after reading this if anyone has questions, please bring your questions to the list so that everyone can benefit from the exchange. :-)   If everyone continues to do well I don't see any reason to delay go homes but if things change there I will let you all know.  Read this now and then below is more news...


At Brier we have had problems with coccidia a single cell protozoa (parasite) with puppies.  This is not due to being unclean as some people might like to say.  It is in the environment in the Pacific North West and impossible to eradicate.  Adult dogs are often carriers and will shed the parasite in times of stress such as whelp with out showing symptoms of illness what so ever.

 However puppies are often more affected by virtue of not having mature immune systems, and may require treatment. Indications of Coccidia are unexplained diarrhea, ie you know your puppy has not eaten things he should not have ect.  If symptoms persist beyond 48 hours please consult your vet.  You will want to take in a fresh fecal sample but not a first morning sample, best to try to collect sample number two, which with a puppy with coccidia that is not hard to do.

Coccidia is self limiting and many vet's chose not to treat unless the puppy is severely affected or will give you the option of treating or not.  It's my opinion that you should follow your vet's advise on this, however if your puppy is feeling ill and has confirmed coccidia please treat.  Most vet's will prescribe Albon which is a sulfa based antibiotic and very safe for puppies.  Chances are your puppy has been treated here at Brier with Albon previously.  It has been our experience that the label on the drug is wrong, it calls for treatment of 5 days.  Experience has proven that a 10 day course is usually much more affective and chances of reoccurrence are lower with this protocol.  Please refer to this web site for detailed information on Coccidia.

More News:

Since I was more than 1/2 way to Judy's being at Aloha Dog and Cat I went on ahead and took the puppies out to Judy for testing and grading.  As I have said and maintain this litter is very even in temperament and there is not a puppy in the litter we hold any concern for with regard to overall temperament.  I have continually gone over profiles and have made mental notes as I have gotten to know each of you more.  Judy and I recapped today and brain stormed on placements.  More on that with each of you individually when I see you.

  Conformationally the litter stacked up well too and I am pleased at the improvements I see.  In breeding with regards to conformation the whole goal is to produce the "One" which takes time and skillfully palling your program/breedings.  Ok so this one was an accident?  Not exactly, a breeding I was working toward, have been for 4 generations just wanted to wait till 2002 to do it. :-)))

So with that said I am going to go crash!
