Marc K. Hoenig

Welcome to my webpage. This is my first attempt at html. Maybe I will turn it into something interesting or useful one of these days.


Some biographical info

Born: April 24, 1955
to a small, but happy, family in
Baltimore, Maryland
The home of fine dining, world-class athletics, and high culture.

I graduated from Randallstown High School in Randallstown, Maryland in 1973. I went to the University of Maryland Baltimore County for the 73/74 academic year majoring in nothing, but it got me free R&B at my parents' home.

I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in June 1974, continuing my very unproductive lifestyle for about 18 months, while having a hell of a lot of fun!

Back to Baltimore for a couple of years and then moved to Salt Lake City in September 1978.

I enrolled at the University of Utah in 1981 and received degrees in anthropology, health services administration, and public health. I currently work at the "U" as an administrator for the Department of English after spending over 20 years in management positions with social services, medical care, and medical education programs.

Personal interests

Family = No. 1 (Gotta say that. In this case, it's true.) Altho' we're very photogenic, I will not post pictures or provide any details.

Some people have noted that I have strong opinions on current affairs. It is true. I am a political junkie and have been one since the 1960's. Here are several web sites that I think are worth bookmarking (in no particular order): Common Dreams, The American Civil Liberties Union, Democracy Now!, After Downing Street, Impeach Bush, Project for the Old American Century, The Crisis Papers, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), Dissident Voice, CounterPunch, Mother Jones, TomDispatch, Information Clearinghouse, Socialist Worker, Crooks and Liars, AlterNet, Jews on First, Consortium News, Blackwater Book (this is Jeremy Scahill's page for a book on the privatization of the occupation of Iraq), The Huffington Post, Impeach for Peace, Eyes on Fox, Truthout, The Regressive Antidote, Iraq Slogger, Media Matters, The World Can't Wait, and during election season (and it's always election season, isn't it?!), Electoral Vote.

(I'd like to grow this list. So, thanks to all who have made suggestions.)

Note: On April 18, 2007 I attended a lecture by Dr. Norman Finkelstein. I would encourage everyone who is interested in the subject of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to include him as a resource. His area of specialty is Israeli human rights abuses. His conclusions are not welcomed by supporters of Zionist Israel, but his scholarship is impeccable. I refer you to his website so that you may form your own opinions. As for me, after reading up on how The Progressive handled a particular exchange between their key staff and Finkelstein, I decided to delete the link to that magazine.

For an alternative look at how others outside the U.S. regard the state of U.S. democracy, the impact of our policies on the rest of the world, the corporate media, etc., check out Third World Traveler.

There's another web site I discovered several years ago. It's produced by a graphic designer named Eric Blumrich who's not happy with the way things are, and he expresses much of this anger in video. This web site has a lot of good material, some funny, some very disturbing. It has a definite progressive bent to it. Check it out here.

And to all my friends who still tell me to "get over" the 2000 election, and to those who want to blame Al Gore's loss to Ralph Nader, please read this legal analysis of the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore.

I sometimes put my own opinions in writing, and have had several of my editorials published in the Salt Lake Tribune. For those interested, here are some of them:

An important resource in Salt Lake City for getting out "alternative" political views is KRCL-FM. I produced a short-feature public affairs program called Letters to the Editor for 14 years as well as numerous Public Service Announcements and other short, and not so short, public affairs programs.

One web site that I have found to be very interesting is After answering a quick survey (5 - 10 minutes), your political philosophy is placed on a grid. Try it! I have found it to be quite accurate. (Full disclosure: I'm a -8.75/-7.85.)

Other interests include camping, hiking, skiing, running, traveling, and reading.
