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[Testbed-admins] upgrade confusion

Hi folks:

Sorry to be operating in ignorance.  Here's my situation:
 * Testbed was running release 5.0 (emulab-080901)
 * I want to upgrade to emulab-devel with git tag
   6c5a053a6abfb6993086f43c243d67e0b9c9a95a (corresponding to a
   commit made on 2010-06-14)
 * I attempted to do this by downloading that version, and following:
 * I am not sure whether i still need to follow the various items
   in doc/UPDATING after the upgrade.  Guessing, i decided to try
   the ones that appeared to still need doing.
 * One of those items (dated 20091030) suggests updating to the
   extended SSL certificate form to add URNs by doing:
     > cd /path/to/obj/ssl
     > gmake
     > sudo gmake install-conf
   When i try this, it errors out with:
commonName            :PRINTABLE:'www.pgeni3.gpolab.bbn.com'
emailAddress          :IA5STRING:'testbed-ops@ops.pgeni3.gpolab.bbn.com'
The commonName field needed to be the same in the
CA certificate (boss.pgeni3.gpolab.bbn.com) and the request (www.pgeni3.gpolab.bbn.com)
unable to write 'random state'
gmake: *** [server.pem] Error 1

I don't know why this is, in particular, whether:
(a) It is correct for me to be trying to run this step at this
    time, but something is misconfigured in my testbed.
(b) I don't need to run this step: other changes mean that the SSL
    certificate format update part of doc/UPDATING has become
    obsolete, either because it has already been done by some other
    code, or because URN inclusion has moved on (i'm afraid i'm
    sufficiently ignorant that i don't know how to look at the
    current state of my testbed and see whether or not i have URNs
    in anything), so i can skip this, and it's fine.
(c) The upgrade path of going directly from emulab-080901 to a
    recent snapshot using the new scripts is not supported.  For
    best results, i should follow some other upgrade path using an
    intermediate code version.
(d) Something else.

Again, sorry for the continued ignorance, and thanks in advance
for any advice you have.

Chaos Golubitsky