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Re: [Testbed-admins] TMCC exited with status 256! *** WARNING: Could not get bossinfo from tmcc!

in both Linux and FreeBSD we are getting problems with the node
and/or image finding boss.  The nodes look for boss on eth99 and
since we don't have an eth99 this obviously fails.

Hi Ben. Is the problem intermittent, or does it always fail on
both Linux and FreeBSD?

2. Nodes can't find boss on bootup (the boot up sequence looks for
boss on eth99) how/where do we configure this?  is this supposed to
come over pxe?  is this a custom configuration step that we missed, or
was it left out of the docs?

Lets concentrate on this one, since I think (hope) this is the basis
of your problems. eth99 is a pseudo device we use to deal with dhcp
issues on linux. Look at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth99,
at the modprobe line. Are the proper network drivers getting loaded
for your hardware?

If so, which interface is your control network interface, and is it
active after you log in on the console.
