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Re: [Testbed-admins] Unable to create Project by current user

Hmm .. Looks like the boss-install didnt create the /tftpboot/proj dir.
Currently I did a workaround where I commented out the part in /usr/testbed/sbin/mkproj script which
creates the /tftpboot/proj/foo directories.
Is there a particular reason for the /tftpboot/proj dirs? It does say for oskit in the comments.
Ive created project after this and experiments which seem to have worked.

I fixed the switch problem by commenting out that port control code and had to remove previously created
VLANs (from an earlier netlab instance) which then allowed the scripts to create the new VLANs.


Robert P Ricci wrote:
Thus spake Adit Ranadive on Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 08:42:10PM -0400:
I'm trying to create a project as a current user but it does not seem to be
working and fails at the project directory creation phase.
It seems to create the project dirs in /proj but fails at a next step while
trying to create directories in /tftpboot/proj-path.
It shows the project in the project list but any experiments cannot be created.
Experiment creation fails since the
project exp directories are not created in the /expwork dir.
Does it need to create dirs in /tftpboot?
Below is the output from the project creation log.

The boss-install script should have made the directory 
"/tftpboot/proj" for you, and I'm guessing that the problem is for some
reason, that directory doesn't exist. You shouldn't have to make the
per-project "/tftpboot/proj/foo" directories, the project creation
script is supposed to do that (and it's what's failing in this case).

(BTW, sorry for not getting to your switch problem yet, I've been on
deadlines, should be able to try next week.)