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[Testbed-admins] Fw: Swap modify Failure: Question

We seem to be having an issue were one of our experiments is unable to be modified, swapped in or swapped out.

Below is the error output.

Any ideas?

Harley Green
Network Systems Department
The Aerospace Corporation
(310) 336-0772


Preswap failed!

--------- /usr/testbed/expwork/TSAT/tq/swapexp.6zTxey --------
Inconsistent lastrsrc in stats record for [Experiment: TSAT/tq]!
*** ERROR: swapexp: Preswap failed!
Cleaning up and exiting with status -1 ...
**** Experimental information, please ignore ****
Session ID = 22888709
Likely Cause of the Problem:
 Preswap failed!
Cause: unknown
Confidence: 0.7
Script: swapexp
**** End experimental information ****

--------- tq-modify.ns --------
# Generated by NetlabClient

set ns [new Simulator]
source tb_compat.tcl

# Nodes
set p [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $p COMP
tb-set-hardware $p pc2800
set t1 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t1 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t1 pc2800
set t2 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t2 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t2 pc1800
set t3 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t3 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t3 pc1800
set t4 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t4 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t4 pc1800
set t5 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t5 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t5 pc1800
set t6 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t6 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t6 pc1800
set t7 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t7 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t7 pc1800
set t8 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t8 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t8 pc1800
set t9 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t9 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t9 pc1800
set t10 [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $t10 COMP
tb-set-hardware $t10 pc1800
set m [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $m COMP
tb-set-hardware $m pc1800

# Lans
set lan0 [$ns make-lan "$p $t1 $t2 $t3 $t4 $t5 $t6 $t7 $t8 $t9 $t10 $m" 100000.0kb 0.0ms]

$ns rtproto Static
$ns run

# NetlabClient generated file ends here.
# Finished at: 11/24/08 4:17 PM

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature