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Re: [Testbed-admins] open_showexplist

Leigh Stoller wrote:
The problem I'm seeing is that I, as the project owner, don't see
experiments that are not in emulab_ops.  I haven't tried adding the
other users yet.

Okay, I see have it slightly wrong. Members of the special project
can see any experiment created by another member of the special
project, regardless of what project the experiment was actually
created in.

That is slightly different; they cannot see *all* experiments.

If you further want to restrict usage (ability to swap in an
experiment) to just members of the special project, I think we have
something for that too.


I guess I should have paid more attention to the code. The first hint that I was on to something sent me haring off in what seems to be the wrong direction.

My whole objective is to allow some, possibly even all, of my users the ability to see who's currently hogging all the machines in our oversubscribed testbed so that they can use physical violence or other means not of any concern to me to free up machines for their own experiments.

I was thinking of hacking the script to take out the admin check, but I saw the site variable and thought I could use it instead.

I imagine this feature would be of use to other testbed admins with several research groups to deal with, so it might be worth adding a site variable to toggle visibility.

- dave