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Re: [Testbed-admins] experiment failed to set up VLANs

Robert P Ricci wrote:
Thus spake David A. Kotz on Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 01:43:58PM -0600:
One of my users tried submitting a job several times and got the following each time. It seems like emulab is timing out waiting for a response from the experimental switch, but this is the only job that has produced the error. We've started up several others before and since with no problems.

All I can think of is that it must have been some kind of transient loss
of connectivity - assuming you only have one expt. switch (right?), this
particular check should happen for any expt. that uses the switch, and
shouldn't be dependant at all on the set of ports, VLANs, etc. used.


A transient issue was all I could think of, but it keeps happening to this one experiment, while we have 21 other machines merrily running other experiments on the same (our only) experimental switch. The user made the same assumption and tried starting his experiment several times at various times of day and night. It swapped in successfully once this afternoon, but then failed again later.

- dave