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RE: [csmith-project/csmith] ddbef5: Make GIT_HASH work when one uses a separate build ...

	Xuejun> I have second thoughts about this policy. Ideally I prefer to
	Xuejun> see who is committing by just looking at the email title. If
	Xuejun> someone other than us needs to commit, why not ask him join the
	Xuejun> mailing list first?

Executive summary: I'll change it.

Long-winded answer:

GitHub's send-email feature can set the `From' header to be one of two things:

  + noreply@github.com, or
  + the author of the commit.

The second one is what you're asking for, but it's tricky.  It's tricky because
Git keeps track of the author of the commit *and* the committer.  The person
who wrote the commit may not be the person who actually puts it into the
repository.  You can see this if you look at some of the commits that we
imported to GitHub: you are the author, but I am the committer.

We (you, John, Yang, me) are the current committers to the GitHub project.  For
the immediate future we are probably the only authors, too.  But in the not too
distant future, others might want to contribute commits to us.  In such cases,
they would be the commit authors.

We could ask people to subscribe to the list before we will accept their
commits, but this seems awkward.  

At the same time, I wanted to keep spam off of this mailing list.  This means
doing some kind of sender-based authorization, and the easiest way to implement
that policy was just to set all commit messages to be from noreply@github.  But
I agree that this makes the "from" header pretty uninformative!

So I'll change it.  We don't have any external authors now, so there's no
immediate issue.  I know how to manage it when we do; we can add them as
approved senders to the list as one-offs.  (Or they can subscribe to the list
as you suggest!)


Eric Eide <eeide@cs.utah.edu>  .         University of Utah School of Computing
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~eeide/ . +1 (801) 585-5512 voice, +1 (801) 581-5843 FAX