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[csmith-bugs] gcc crash and csmith bug


I was testing csmith (b8d96d3) with compiler_test this weekend and
found 3 crashs with gcc (Debian's 4.6.1-1).
I cannot reproduce any kind of crash with two of them so I am
attaching only one that I can't test (testing with gcc -O1 or higher
eats all my machine memory).

Also I found a lot of csmith_bug* files; the code is the same for all
despite being generated by 18 different seeds (1647861003 1800805587
1893949379 2033247883 2125392491 2242411515 2358272475 2497247411
2600809923 2706144891 2821694907 2937775475 3056492259 3172076476
3319675292 3510861076 4284760960 4290416599).
Is the problem in this generated code (csmith_bug_1.c) already known?

Also, can somebody confirm this crash (crash1.c) with gcc?

Thank you!

Best regards,
 * Generator: csmith 2.1.0
 * Git version: b8d96d3
 * Options:   --bitfields --packed-struct --output test66272.c
 * Seed:      1880615763

#include "csmith.h"

static long __undefined;

/* --- Struct/Union Declarations --- */
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct S0 {
   const unsigned f0 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(18);
#pragma pack(pop)

struct S1 {
   const uint32_t  f0;
   uint8_t  f1;
   volatile uint8_t  f2;
   int16_t  f3;
   const uint16_t  f4;
   int32_t  f5;
   uint16_t  f6;
   volatile uint8_t  f7;

struct S2 {
   unsigned f0 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(46);

struct S3 {
   uint32_t  f0;
   const struct S1  f1;
   const uint8_t  f2;
   volatile int8_t  f3;
   const int8_t  f4;
   struct S2  f5;

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct S4 {
   const volatile uint8_t  f0;
   const int64_t  f1;
   int32_t  f2;
   volatile struct S2  f3;
   struct S0  f4;
   unsigned f5 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(6);
#pragma pack(pop)

struct S5 {
   int32_t  f0;
   const volatile signed f1 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(4);
   uint32_t  f2;
   uint8_t  f3;

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct S6 {
   volatile struct S4  f0;
   signed f1 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(8);
   int32_t  f2;
   struct S4  f3;
   uint32_t  f4;
   volatile uint32_t  f5;
   volatile struct S1  f6;
   volatile unsigned f7 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(16);
#pragma pack(pop)

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct S7 {
   unsigned f0 : _CSMITH_BITFIELD(15);
#pragma pack(pop)

union U8 {
   volatile int32_t  f0;
   const volatile struct S6  f1;
   struct S0  f2;
   volatile int32_t  f3;
   volatile struct S3  f4;

union U9 {
   uint16_t  f0;
   struct S6  f1;
   int64_t  f2;

union U10 {
   struct S5  f0;
   volatile struct S5  f1;

/* --- GLOBAL VARIABLES --- */
static int32_t g_2[5][7] = {{(-3L), 0L, 0L, (-3L), 0xFF68E10DL, 0xA60915BBL, 0xBDB88DCFL}, {(-3L), 0L, 0L, (-3L), 0xFF68E10DL, 0xA60915BBL, 0xBDB88DCFL}, {(-3L), 0L, 0L, (-3L), 0xFF68E10DL, 0xA60915BBL, 0xBDB88DCFL}, {(-3L), 0L, 0L, (-3L), 0xFF68E10DL, 0xA60915BBL, 0xBDB88DCFL}, {(-3L), 0L, 0L, (-3L), 0xFF68E10DL, 0xA60915BBL, 0xBDB88DCFL}};
static struct S0 g_13[5] = {{501}, {501}, {501}, {501}, {501}};
static struct S0 *g_12[9] = {&g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2], &g_13[2]};
static struct S0 ** volatile g_11 = &g_12[1];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_11 */
static const struct S6 g_14 = {{0xB5L,0x6E56995E148CB42BLL,0x8F18E0DAL,{4085541},{179},5},1,0xBCC772A3L,{0U,0xC0D287709C18003DLL,-8L,{1744730},{105},1},0xC6C9A4A9L,0xA3D0676DL,{0xA536CA9AL,0x7FL,0x82L,-7L,65535U,0x16A781B3L,0xC87CL,255U},173};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_14 */
static int64_t g_23 = 0xA649E5A9921A3E70LL;
static int64_t g_40 = 0x4B4F512441043A42LL;
static int64_t *g_39 = &g_40;
static int32_t g_44[9] = {(-8L), 0x71EDBFDFL, (-8L), 0x71EDBFDFL, (-8L), 0x71EDBFDFL, (-8L), 0x71EDBFDFL, (-8L)};
static int8_t g_63 = 0x1BL;
static int8_t *g_62[1] = {&g_63};
static uint8_t g_82[1] = {0x4CL};
static int8_t *g_93 = 0;
static uint16_t g_96 = 0U;
static int32_t g_108 = 0x01A5E5DFL;
static uint8_t g_117[1] = {255U};
static struct S7 g_131 = {37};
static volatile struct S2 *g_132 = 0;
static volatile struct S2 g_135 = {1948643};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_135 */
static struct S1 g_139 = {7U,0x5DL,0xF7L,0x1F71L,0x9F5DL,-1L,65528U,1U};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_139 */
static struct S6 g_145 = {{0xD2L,0x0E4BD68C6BBB4891LL,0x5C63F286L,{1641557},{396},7},-10,0x13965C3EL,{249U,0xE056CAAECB711399LL,2L,{4580774},{157},3},4294967289U,0x2F300D2EL,{0x8EF8D76BL,246U,251U,-7L,1U,1L,0xF621L,0xC3L},145};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_145 */
static struct S6 g_148 = {{252U,0x9A83C40526A7B979LL,0x6628C784L,{8104060},{423},7},9,-2L,{0x64L,0x6B6FD115CA340708LL,-3L,{305040},{107},1},0x3B2ED4ABL,3U,{18446744073709551615U,0xE7L,1U,-10L,0xA038L,-5L,0U,3U},229};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_148 */
static uint8_t *g_155 = &g_139.f1;
static uint8_t * volatile *g_154[4] = {&g_155, &g_155, &g_155, &g_155};
static struct S2 g_170 = {5037511};
static int16_t g_185 = 0L;
static uint64_t g_203 = 0x99DEFDC76B746737LL;
static uint64_t g_205 = 0xC8890BF551258212LL;
static union U9 *g_239 = 0;
static struct S6 g_254 = {{7U,0xBD881ADB401B76CCLL,0x70ECAB80L,{635152},{491},1},-14,0xA13EBE0AL,{252U,0x0E6226BAD4DA2322LL,1L,{1208290},{60},5},0xD2A5CC3BL,0x6DBFCAAFL,{0xCA1D8559L,0x7BL,0x36L,0L,0x9A5DL,-1L,0U,250U},71};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_254 */
static volatile struct S6 g_257 = {{1U,0L,0x5A1432EDL,{6161221},{207},1},-11,-1L,{0x16L,0x272416165AB94F59LL,-9L,{3936591},{506},3},0xA845F293L,0x91401CD3L,{3U,0xA6L,0x91L,0L,0x89A6L,0x01DD90D4L,5U,0xBBL},179};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_257 */
static volatile struct S6 * volatile g_256 = &g_257;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_256 */
static volatile struct S6 * volatile * const g_255 = &g_256;
static volatile struct S6 g_276 = {{0x27L,6L,0x18D4BEC7L,{4952195},{34},5},-12,0L,{0x6FL,0xF66348C48D72B14DLL,-1L,{1455002},{307},2},8U,0xCB8C2FD8L,{0x836DEE6BL,248U,246U,1L,0xEC87L,1L,0x035AL,0x8DL},222};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_276 */
static struct S6 g_282 = {{0x2EL,0L,0xB258F4B7L,{7956867},{458},1},-1,-1L,{0x77L,0x9FFED1E54D29F086LL,-8L,{6492847},{397},0},1U,0xBFF04DD1L,{18446744073709551615U,0xB5L,255U,0xAC3FL,1U,0x9E011144L,0x904CL,8U},163};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_282 */
static struct S6 g_284 = {{6U,0xAD1FB9948723BDF1LL,0L,{1963640},{333},2},-4,1L,{0x58L,0L,0xEB775F87L,{7084303},{204},1},5U,0U,{0x43CFDC62L,2U,255U,-1L,0x99A7L,0x019B9918L,65533U,255U},244};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_284 */
static struct S6 *g_283 = &g_284;
static volatile int32_t g_288 = 0x786584C9L;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_288 */
static volatile int32_t *g_287 = &g_288;
static int32_t *g_291 = &g_148.f2;
static struct S3 g_295 = {7U,{0xF3917F7CL,0x70L,247U,0xA79DL,0xC0BAL,0xFB4FF4E7L,0x0565L,249U},4U,8L,-1L,{8119140}};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_295 */
static struct S3 g_297 = {0x0A714A2EL,{0xB4C593CEL,0x0CL,0xC6L,-5L,0x3985L,2L,65535U,0x06L},0xDCL,-7L,0xEBL,{7450519}};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_297 */
static uint32_t g_309 = 4294967295U;
static struct S4 g_315 = {0x22L,0xCA978928A6CEDCBBLL,0x72DE8AE6L,{38037},{302},0};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_315 */
static struct S4 *g_314 = &g_315;
static volatile struct S5 g_318 = {0xC5DD5025L,-2,0x38D0B370L,0x47L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_318 */
static volatile struct S5 *g_317 = &g_318;
static struct S4 g_329 = {0xD7L,0L,-1L,{7025358},{129},2};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_329 */
static volatile union U10 g_337 = {{7L,1,0x3D07293AL,0xEBL}};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_337 */
static volatile union U10 *g_336 = &g_337;
static union U9 g_349 = {0x6506L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_349 */
static union U9 g_352[3][2] = {{{0x99F2L}, {0x99F2L}}, {{0x99F2L}, {0x99F2L}}, {{0x99F2L}, {0x99F2L}}};
static struct S3 g_362 = {18446744073709551615U,{0xE7D30883L,0x7DL,0x74L,0x2166L,0x10EFL,3L,5U,255U},1U,0x69L,-4L,{4045962}};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_362 */
static uint16_t g_414 = 65530U;
static uint64_t g_417 = 1U;
static struct S1 g_426[4][3] = {{{0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}, {0x0D0D1C02L,0x9DL,0x7AL,0x2DDBL,65535U,1L,1U,0x3AL}, {0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}}, {{0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}, {0x0D0D1C02L,0x9DL,0x7AL,0x2DDBL,65535U,1L,1U,0x3AL}, {0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}}, {{0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}, {0x0D0D1C02L,0x9DL,0x7AL,0x2DDBL,65535U,1L,1U,0x3AL}, {0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}}, {{0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}, {0x0D0D1C02L,0x9DL,0x7AL,0x2DDBL,65535U,1L,1U,0x3AL}, {0U,0xE9L,0x76L,0xDD1AL,0x5CCAL,-1L,65532U,0xF1L}}};
static const struct S1 *g_425[10][7][3] = {{{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}, {{&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}, {&g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1], &g_426[0][1]}}};
static struct S1 g_428 = {18446744073709551614U,0x37L,0xC0L,0L,0xEB03L,0x56439E30L,5U,255U};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_428 */
static struct S1 g_432 = {0x87136DF8L,248U,249U,0xCD62L,0U,1L,65535U,0x0EL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_432 */
static volatile union U10 * const *g_441 = &g_336;
static struct S3 g_490[2] = {{0x9BA68172L,{0x9ECA17E3L,255U,1U,-3L,0xA5C6L,-5L,0xE131L,255U},1U,0x48L,-7L,{1224406}}, {0x9BA68172L,{0x9ECA17E3L,255U,1U,-3L,0xA5C6L,-5L,0xE131L,255U},1U,0x48L,-7L,{1224406}}};
static int8_t g_519 = 0L;
static union U8 g_530[10] = {{1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}, {1L}};
static union U10 g_568 = {{0x8859F049L,0,4U,255U}};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_568 */
static struct S6 g_580 = {{0xA6L,0xFC2EAE26FEAED090LL,1L,{7599811},{502},4},-11,-1L,{0U,0x5E18AB31EE8BB836LL,1L,{142392},{399},4},5U,1U,{1U,0x9DL,0x9FL,2L,0x2F5BL,1L,3U,0x7CL},121};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_580 */
static struct S5 g_584[3] = {{0x8CD0D69CL,1,4294967294U,3U}, {0L,-1,1U,0x26L}, {0x8CD0D69CL,1,4294967294U,3U}};
static struct S1 g_591 = {0x347796D4L,0U,0xF6L,0x5B6EL,0U,-1L,0x9ACCL,8U};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_591 */
static union U9 g_597 = {8U};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_597 */
static uint16_t * volatile g_625 = &g_426[0][1].f6;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_625 */
static union U8 g_630 = {-2L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_630 */
static struct S5 g_635 = {0xB75EB0FCL,-3,5U,0xD7L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_635 */
static struct S5 g_636[10][3] = {{{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}, {{0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0U,0x7BL}, {0L,2,0x0C171B94L,3U}}};
static struct S4 ** volatile g_638 = 0;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_638 */
static struct S5 g_641 = {0xA737B624L,-3,0xF7ACF160L,0xB2L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_641 */
static struct S0 ** volatile g_643 = 0;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_643 */
static int32_t ** volatile g_654 = &g_291;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_654 */
static struct S7 g_664[7] = {{67}, {67}, {88}, {67}, {67}, {88}, {67}};
static struct S2 *g_670 = &g_170;
static struct S2 ** volatile g_669 = &g_670;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_669 */
static struct S7 *g_677[6][9][4] = {{{&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}}, {{&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}}, {{&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}}, {{&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}}, {{&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}}, {{&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}, {&g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3], &g_664[3]}}};
static int16_t * volatile g_683 = &g_426[0][1].f3;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_683 */
static int16_t * volatile g_684[3][10][7] = {{{&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}}, {{&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}}, {{&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}, {&g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3, &g_591.f3}}};
static union U8 g_710 = {0x6897777FL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_710 */
static union U8 *g_709 = &g_710;
static volatile union U10 g_731 = {{0x3C092B52L,-2,0x15CC9F20L,0x97L}};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_731 */
static union U10 *g_735 = &g_568;
static union U10 ** volatile g_734[1] = {&g_735};
static int8_t * volatile g_745 = 0;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_745 */
static int8_t * volatile g_746 = &g_63;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_746 */
static int32_t ** volatile g_757 = &g_291;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_757 */
static struct S1 g_773 = {18446744073709551615U,9U,0x5EL,1L,0xA3D6L,8L,0xB41FL,0x76L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_773 */
static int32_t ** volatile g_789 = &g_291;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_789 */
static volatile struct S1 g_794 = {1U,1U,0xE5L,0x9113L,65534U,0x389E2B82L,0x61D9L,0xD6L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_794 */
static uint16_t * volatile g_811 = &g_591.f6;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_811 */
static union U8 * volatile *g_817 = &g_709;
static union U8 * volatile **g_816 = &g_817;
static union U10 g_828[1] = {{{-1L,-0,7U,6U}}};
static volatile uint64_t g_837[5] = {18446744073709551609U, 18446744073709551614U, 18446744073709551609U, 18446744073709551614U, 18446744073709551609U};
static volatile uint64_t * volatile g_836 = &g_837[4];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_836 */
static int32_t ** volatile g_839 = &g_291;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_839 */
static volatile struct S4 g_849 = {0x06L,-8L,0xD2089F73L,{1848798},{75},6};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_849 */
static union U8 g_859[7][3][6] = {{{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}, {{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}, {{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}, {{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}, {{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}, {{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}, {{{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}, {{0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}, {0xB296C8FFL}}}};
static struct S2 ** volatile g_865 = &g_670;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_865 */
static struct S7 * volatile g_872 = &g_664[0];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_872 */
static int32_t ** volatile g_874 = &g_291;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_874 */
static volatile uint32_t * volatile * volatile g_875[10][6][4] = {{{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}};
static volatile uint32_t * volatile * volatile * volatile g_876 = &g_875[5][5][3];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_876 */
static struct S4 g_895 = {0U,0xE7F2A7F86A8F67B2LL,-1L,{579300},{450},6};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_895 */
static int32_t ** volatile g_898[2] = {&g_291, &g_291};
static struct S6 g_909[7][6] = {{{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}, {{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}, {{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}, {{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}, {{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}, {{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}, {{{252U,9L,1L,{3536617},{289},5},15,0xC9359875L,{0U,6L,0xD4BDE8D8L,{2282405},{121},4},0x9D10521BL,0xBC094360L,{18446744073709551610U,1U,0U,-1L,0xB37BL,0x5A245BA5L,9U,0x38L},244}, {{249U,5L,-9L,{6680070},{245},0},-8,0x241CEA2CL,{255U,8L,0x2CC7F242L,{3807660},{57},2},1U,18446744073709551614U,{0U,0xABL,0U,0x45B6L,65535U,0xB5462FBDL,65532U,6U},58}, {{0x2DL,0xAC6195A1528648C6LL,0xCA1396C5L,{4380703},{34},4},-15,0xEC754BA1L,{0x3EL,-2L,0xAC521004L,{1305916},{503},6},0x280DDF31L,0x0F6C851DL,{0x2A29C99BL,1U,253U,2L,65535U,0xE9B7D02DL,0xC719L,0x26L},53}, {{3U,0x10CB7120C2C524ADLL,1L,{196020},{462},3},-0,3L,{3U,0x09CF1A686730F1AALL,-4L,{8204042},{24},0},0xC87C115CL,0x1183375EL,{1U,249U,0xFFL,-8L,0x790DL,0x94A3C4DEL,0U,8U},209}, {{0xCBL,-1L,0x287927DEL,{6188821},{105},4},5,-1L,{255U,-8L,0x76AF66D5L,{7014617},{391},5},0x695AF53FL,0xE0F45ECBL,{3U,0x29L,0x7DL,-1L,0xB5EEL,0x39F46CD6L,0U,253U},9}, {{0x6CL,1L,0x28970AB5L,{5095434},{7},4},-8,0L,{0U,0xC05F461D889F1FA5LL,0x4524B074L,{7422492},{362},7},0xFB6A493BL,0x7F8789BBL,{18446744073709551615U,1U,0U,0xD707L,65528U,0xB0D41DD3L,5U,252U},49}}};
static struct S6 g_910 = {{0x1AL,-8L,0xC93CEF8DL,{5642333},{103},0},-7,0x38B6CA6AL,{4U,0xFDD8BE3E3257BE5CLL,0x7C3E447EL,{6330129},{35},4},0xC1130AAAL,1U,{0x07063350L,0U,1U,1L,0x874DL,-1L,2U,0x6DL},196};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_910 */
static struct S7 ** volatile g_913 = &g_677[4][7][2];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_913 */
static int8_t * volatile g_942[8][8][4] = {{{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}, {{&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}, {&g_63, &g_63, &g_63, &g_63}}};
static int8_t * volatile g_943 = &g_63;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_943 */

static struct S0  func_1(void);
static struct S5  func_5(uint32_t  p_6);
static const struct S6  func_8(uint64_t  p_9);
static int64_t  func_18(struct S0 ** p_19, int32_t  p_20, int8_t  p_21);
static int32_t  func_25(uint64_t  p_26);
static int16_t  func_30(int8_t  p_31, int32_t  p_32, struct S0 * p_33);
static int32_t  func_34(const uint32_t  p_35, int64_t * p_36, int64_t * p_37, int8_t  p_38);
static struct S2  func_57(int8_t * p_58, struct S2  p_59, uint32_t  p_60);
static struct S2  func_66(int16_t  p_67, uint32_t  p_68);
static int64_t  func_85(uint8_t  p_86);

/* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_2 g_568.f0.f2 g_39 g_40 g_291 g_828 g_63 g_132 g_14.f1 g_117 g_154 g_108 g_155 g_14.f3.f5 g_170 g_139.f1 g_148.f2 g_14.f2 g_62 g_14.f3.f2 g_44 g_145.f2 g_205 g_309 g_314 g_317 g_93 g_284.f2 g_82 g_139.f3 g_283 g_336 g_284.f3.f2 g_131.f0 g_131 g_297.f5 g_148.f4 g_362.f0 g_295.f5 g_329.f2 g_295.f1.f0 g_284.f3.f1 g_282.f1 g_284.f3.f5 g_14.f4 g_287 g_257.f7 g_836 g_757 g_839 g_139.f5 g_654 g_669 g_670 g_635.f0 g_432.f5
 * writes: g_2 g_568.f0.f2 g_145.f2 g_44 g_148.f2 g_96 g_108 g_63 g_139.f3 g_154 g_139.f1 g_148.f3.f2 g_82 g_93 g_185 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_145.f1 g_203 g_131 g_284.f2 g_297.f0 g_170 g_314 g_317 g_291 g_282.f2 g_309 g_336 g_254.f4 g_139.f6 g_329.f2 g_148.f4 g_352.f2 g_117 g_205 g_239 g_254.f3.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_349.f2 g_352.f0 g_414 g_417 g_254.f2 g_40 g_288 g_837 g_670 g_432.f5
static struct S0  func_1(void)
{ /* block id: 0 */
    struct S2 l_649 = {7704362};
    int32_t *l_653 = &g_635.f0;
    uint16_t l_675[6] = {0x30DCL, 65535U, 65528U, 65528U, 65535U, 0x30DCL};
    struct S4 **l_714[1];
    struct S1 *l_772 = &g_773;
    const uint64_t l_778 = 0x9FBC4C1A639AD612LL;
    struct S0 *l_781[2];
    struct S0 l_803[9][10][2] = {{{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}, {{{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}, {{287}, {102}}}};
    union U8 **l_815 = 0;
    union U8 *** const l_814 = &l_815;
    int32_t l_855 = 0xE2717E6CL;
    uint64_t l_919[2][3] = {{0x6773F4172DF6324CLL, 5U, 0x6773F4172DF6324CLL}, {0x6773F4172DF6324CLL, 5U, 0x6773F4172DF6324CLL}};
    int32_t l_948 = 4L;
    int32_t l_956[1][10] = {{0x18CB6B9AL, 0xC273433EL, 0xA9EFB2E9L, 0xA9EFB2E9L, 0xC273433EL, 0x18CB6B9AL, 0xC273433EL, 0xA9EFB2E9L, 0xA9EFB2E9L, 0xC273433EL}};
    struct S0 l_958[10][1][1] = {{{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}, {{{325}}}};
    int i, j, k;
    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        l_714[i] = &g_314;
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        l_781[i] = 0;
    for (g_2[3][1] = 12; (g_2[3][1] == (-12)); g_2[3][1] = safe_sub_func_uint32_t_u_u(g_2[3][1], 1))
    { /* block id: 3 */
        uint16_t l_7[5] = {0x5C48L, 1U, 0x5C48L, 1U, 0x5C48L};
        int32_t *l_650 = &g_580.f2;
        struct S7 l_700 = {161};
        int64_t l_723 = 0x3185CBA4A39A877FLL;
        union U10 *l_733 = &g_568;
        uint8_t l_751[5];
        struct S0 l_791 = {305};
        struct S2 l_805 = {1339940};
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            l_751[i] = 2U;
    for (g_568.f0.f2 = 3; (g_568.f0.f2 >= 57); g_568.f0.f2 = safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_568.f0.f2, 3))
    { /* block id: 793 */
        int8_t l_826[1][2][2];
        uint16_t *l_829[10];
        int8_t *l_830[8][2][6];
        int32_t l_831 = (-3L);
        int64_t l_832[6];
        int i, j, k;
        for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                    l_826[i][j][k] = (-1L);
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            l_829[i] = &l_675[4];
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    l_830[i][j][k] = &l_826[0][1][1];
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            l_832[i] = 0x2415C6003E75CCB0LL;
        for (g_145.f2 = 0; (g_145.f2 >= (-18)); g_145.f2 = safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_145.f2, 1))
        { /* block id: 796 */
            uint32_t l_827 = 0x3B569FFDL;
            (*g_291) = ((*g_39) != l_826[0][1][1]);
            if (l_827)
        (*g_287) = func_34(func_30((l_831 = ((g_828[0] , 0) != l_829[2])), func_85((l_826[0][1][1] , l_832[2])), &l_803[0][6][1]), &g_23, &g_40, l_826[0][0][0]);
        if (l_831)
        { /* block id: 802 */
            uint64_t l_835 = 0xDAD3B5B6D577D483LL;
            (*g_287) = ((*g_287) = ((*g_287) = (0xA1L > (safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(((*g_836) = (l_835 , g_257.f7)), (*g_39))))));
        { /* block id: 807 */
            struct S0 l_838[4] = {{121}, {121}, {121}, {121}};
            int i;
            return l_838[3];
        (*g_839) = (*g_757);
    for (g_139.f5 = 5; (g_139.f5 == (-6)); g_139.f5 = safe_sub_func_uint32_t_u_u(g_139.f5, 1))
    { /* block id: 814 */
        (*g_291) = (-1L);
    if ((**g_654))
    { /* block id: 817 */
        struct S2 **l_842 = &g_670;
        (*l_842) = (*g_669);
        (*g_291) &= (*l_653);
    { /* block id: 820 */
        union U9 * const l_846 = &g_597;
        int32_t l_860 = 1L;
        int32_t l_861[9] = {(-1L), 0x56421C55L, (-1L), 0x56421C55L, (-1L), 0x56421C55L, (-1L), 0x56421C55L, (-1L)};
        struct S4 *l_893 = &g_329;
        struct S0 *l_944 = &g_909[5][3].f3.f4;
        int i;
        for (g_432.f5 = 0; (g_432.f5 <= (-11)); g_432.f5 = safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s(g_432.f5, 1))
        { /* block id: 823 */
            union U9 *l_847 = &g_352[0][1];
            int32_t l_867 = 1L;
            struct S0 l_869[10] = {{183}, {316}, {382}, {133}, {133}, {382}, {316}, {183}, {382}, {183}};
            struct S4 *l_894 = &g_895;
            uint64_t l_926[5];
            uint64_t *l_947[6];
            int8_t *l_949 = &g_519;
            const int16_t l_950 = 0x71D0L;
            struct S6 **l_952[5][5][8];
            struct S6 ***l_951 = &l_952[3][2][4];
            uint32_t *l_955[5][4][1];
            int32_t *l_957[9];
            int i, j, k;
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                l_926[i] = 0xA3E732BA5A4A9C9ELL;
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                l_947[i] = &l_926[4];
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                        l_952[i][j][k] = &g_283;
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    for (k = 0; k < 1; k++)
                        l_955[i][j][k] = &g_636[0][2].f2;
            for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                l_957[i] = &g_282.f2;
    return l_958[6][0][0];

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_2 g_11 g_14 g_39 g_40 g_12 g_62 g_96 g_63 g_132 g_139.f3 g_117 g_154 g_108 g_155 g_148.f3.f2 g_170 g_139.f1 g_148.f2 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_44 g_145.f2 g_205 g_203 g_309 g_291 g_284.f2 g_314 g_317 g_93 g_82 g_283 g_336 g_284.f3.f2 g_131.f0 g_131 g_297.f5 g_148.f4 g_362.f0 g_295.f5 g_329.f2 g_254.f3.f2 g_282.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_295.f1.f0 g_284.f3.f1 g_282.f1 g_284.f3.f5 g_425 g_295.f1.f5 g_362.f1.f0 g_148.f3.f5 g_349.f2 g_490.f2 g_426.f1 g_432.f5 g_428.f6 g_362.f1.f3 g_417 g_329.f5 g_315.f2 g_426.f4 g_428.f3 g_329.f4.f0 g_254.f3.f1 g_282.f4 g_287 g_597 g_288 g_584.f0 g_145.f3.f1 g_591.f1 g_315.f1 g_625 g_635 g_636 g_254.f3 g_641 g_318
 * writes: g_12 g_23 g_40 g_44 g_82 g_93 g_96 g_108 g_63 g_139.f3 g_148.f2 g_154 g_139.f1 g_148.f3.f2 g_185 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_145.f2 g_145.f1 g_203 g_131 g_284.f2 g_297.f0 g_170 g_314 g_317 g_291 g_282.f2 g_309 g_336 g_254.f4 g_139.f6 g_329.f2 g_148.f4 g_352.f2 g_117 g_205 g_239 g_254.f3.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_349.f2 g_352.f0 g_414 g_417 g_254.f2 g_362.f5 g_519 g_349.f1.f2 g_432.f5 g_282.f4 g_145.f3.f5 g_315.f2 g_428.f6 g_352.f1.f1 g_428.f3 g_283 g_349.f0 g_584.f0 g_288 g_591.f3 g_580.f4 g_426.f6
static struct S5  func_5(uint32_t  p_6)
{ /* block id: 4 */
    int32_t l_17 = 9L;
    struct S1 *l_590 = &g_591;
    int32_t *l_592 = &g_584[0].f0;
    struct S1 **l_598 = &l_590;
    struct S7 *l_608 = &g_131;
    struct S0 *l_642 = &g_580.f3.f4;
    (*l_592) |= (func_8(g_2[3][1]) , ((p_6 >= ((!g_14.f3.f1) , (safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s(((l_17 && l_17) , g_14.f0.f1), func_18(&g_12[4], p_6, g_14.f3.f4.f0))))) == (l_590 == 0)));
    (*l_592) = (safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((*g_155) , 1U), 0));
    if ((safe_unary_minus_func_int64_t_s((*g_39))))
    { /* block id: 607 */
        const int32_t l_596[2][5][5] = {{{0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}}, {{0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}, {0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL, (-7L), 0x4C1B90ADL}}};
        const struct S1 * const *l_599 = 0;
        int16_t *l_611 = 0;
        int16_t *l_612 = &g_591.f3;
        int32_t l_613 = 6L;
        int i, j, k;
        l_613 &= (((*g_287) &= (*g_291)) , (((((l_596[1][4][3] || ((g_597 , l_598) != l_599)) || ((*g_287) ^ (((*l_592) = ((*l_592) | ((*g_155) = ((*g_155) = ((*g_155) = (safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u((*l_592), ((g_145.f3.f1 && ((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u(5L, 1)) >= (safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s(0xB5530D22EBC70971LL, p_6)))) && (*g_291))))))))) >= l_596[1][3][2]))) , 1U) <= ((*l_612) = ((*l_612) = ((((((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(l_17, (0x4067L | (0 != l_608)))) , (safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(65533U, l_596[1][4][3]))) , g_591.f1) == g_315.f1) , 65532U) == l_17)))) | (-1L)));
    { /* block id: 616 */
        int8_t l_616 = 6L;
        union U8 *l_629 = &g_630;
        union U8 **l_628 = &l_629;
        struct S0 **l_644 = &g_12[1];
        (*g_287) &= (safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(0x14L, l_616));
        (*l_608) = g_131;
        for (l_616 = (-14); (l_616 >= 21); l_616 = safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s(l_616, 1))
        { /* block id: 621 */
            struct S4 *l_637 = &g_254.f3;
            uint8_t **l_640 = &g_155;
            for (g_282.f2 = (-15); (g_282.f2 != (-22)); g_282.f2 = safe_sub_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_282.f2, 1))
            { /* block id: 624 */
                union U8 *l_627 = 0;
                union U8 **l_626 = &l_627;
                struct S4 **l_639 = &g_314;
                for (g_580.f4 = (-29); (g_580.f4 < 19); g_580.f4 = safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_580.f4, 5))
                { /* block id: 627 */
                    union U8 ***l_631 = &l_628;
                    int8_t *l_634 = &g_519;
                    if ((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((*g_625) = ((*g_155) > p_6)), ((g_131 , (l_626 == ((*l_631) = l_628))) <= (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u(((*l_634) = ((*l_634) = 0L)), (*g_155)))))))
                    { /* block id: 632 */
                        return g_635;
                    { /* block id: 634 */
                        return g_636[0][2];
                (*l_639) = l_637;
            g_154[0] = ((*l_637) , l_640);
            return g_641;
        (*l_644) = l_642;
    return (*g_317);

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_11 g_14
 * writes: g_12
static const struct S6  func_8(uint64_t  p_9)
{ /* block id: 5 */
    struct S0 *l_10 = 0;
    (*g_11) = l_10;
    return g_14;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_2 g_39 g_40 g_14.f4 g_12 g_62 g_14.f2 g_96 g_63 g_132 g_14.f1 g_139.f3 g_117 g_154 g_108 g_155 g_148.f3.f2 g_14.f3.f5 g_170 g_139.f1 g_148.f2 g_14.f3.f2 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_44 g_145.f2 g_205 g_203 g_309 g_291 g_284.f2 g_314 g_317 g_93 g_82 g_283 g_336 g_284.f3.f2 g_131.f0 g_131 g_297.f5 g_148.f4 g_362.f0 g_295.f5 g_329.f2 g_254.f3.f2 g_282.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_295.f1.f0 g_284.f3.f1 g_282.f1 g_284.f3.f5 g_425 g_295.f1.f5 g_362.f1.f0 g_148.f3.f5 g_349.f2 g_490.f2 g_426.f1 g_432.f5 g_428.f6 g_362.f1.f3 g_417 g_329.f5 g_315.f2 g_426.f4 g_428.f3 g_329.f4.f0 g_254.f3.f1 g_282.f4
 * writes: g_23 g_40 g_44 g_82 g_93 g_96 g_108 g_63 g_139.f3 g_148.f2 g_154 g_139.f1 g_148.f3.f2 g_185 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_145.f2 g_145.f1 g_203 g_131 g_284.f2 g_297.f0 g_170 g_314 g_317 g_291 g_282.f2 g_309 g_336 g_254.f4 g_139.f6 g_329.f2 g_148.f4 g_352.f2 g_117 g_205 g_239 g_254.f3.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_349.f2 g_352.f0 g_414 g_417 g_254.f2 g_362.f5 g_12 g_519 g_349.f1.f2 g_432.f5 g_282.f4 g_145.f3.f5 g_315.f2 g_428.f6 g_352.f1.f1 g_428.f3 g_283 g_349.f0
static int64_t  func_18(struct S0 ** p_19, int32_t  p_20, int8_t  p_21)
{ /* block id: 8 */
    int64_t *l_22 = &g_23;
    int32_t l_24 = (-5L);
    struct S0 l_27 = {279};
    const struct S2 l_422[7] = {{6689596}, {6689596}, {6689596}, {6689596}, {6689596}, {6689596}, {6689596}};
    struct S1 *l_427 = &g_428;
    int8_t l_468 = 1L;
    struct S7 l_485 = {151};
    uint32_t l_492 = 4294967288U;
    int32_t *l_499 = 0;
    union U8 *l_529 = &g_530[4];
    uint64_t l_549 = 0U;
    struct S6 * const l_579 = &g_580;
    int32_t **l_589 = &l_499;
    int i;
    if ((((*l_22) &= 0x9552BC05D4008F4FLL) >= ((g_2[3][1] , l_24) && func_25((l_27 , (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(0xC685L, func_30(p_20, func_34(l_24, l_22, g_39, l_24), (*p_19)))))))))
    { /* block id: 418 */
        struct S1 *l_431 = &g_432;
        int32_t l_450 = (-1L);
        int32_t l_454 = 1L;
        uint32_t l_466[10] = {0x5E2083F8L, 0x5816AE13L, 0x64B52C05L, 0x5816AE13L, 0x5E2083F8L, 1U, 0x5E2083F8L, 0x5816AE13L, 0x64B52C05L, 0x5816AE13L};
        uint64_t *l_467[5][9];
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                l_467[i][j] = &g_417;
        if ((l_422[4] , ((func_30(l_422[4].f0, l_27.f0, ((*p_19) = &g_13[1])) >= (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(254U, 5U))) != l_24)))
        { /* block id: 420 */
            struct S1 **l_429 = 0;
            struct S1 **l_430[10][4][6];
            int32_t *l_433 = &g_282.f2;
            int i, j, k;
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                        l_430[i][j][k] = &l_427;
            (*g_291) = (((*g_291) = ((*l_433) |= ((*g_291) |= (g_425[0][0][1] == (l_431 = l_427))))) > (-1L));
        { /* block id: 426 */
            uint8_t l_434 = 0xA6L;
            int32_t *l_435[5];
            union U10 *l_439[9];
            union U10 **l_438[6][2][10];
            struct S7 l_451 = {46};
            int i, j, k;
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                l_435[i] = &l_24;
            for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                l_439[i] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                        l_438[i][j][k] = &l_439[2];
            if (p_21)
            { /* block id: 427 */
                l_434 = p_21;
                (*g_291) = (*g_291);
                l_435[2] = (p_21 , &l_24);
                for (g_329.f2 = 0; (g_329.f2 != (-15)); g_329.f2 = safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s(g_329.f2, 9))
                { /* block id: 433 */
                    struct S0 l_460 = {382};
                    struct S7 l_461 = {77};
                    struct S7 *l_462[3];
                    int32_t **l_463[8];
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        l_462[i] = &l_461;
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        l_463[i] = &l_435[0];
            { /* block id: 457 */
                (*g_291) ^= l_454;
        (*g_291) = (safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s((l_466[9] == (l_468 |= g_295.f1.f5)), (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_u(l_27.f0, 7))));
    { /* block id: 463 */
        int64_t l_473 = (-1L);
        int32_t l_476 = 0L;
        struct S7 *l_502 = &g_131;
        int32_t l_511 = 1L;
        struct S2 l_512 = {4530681};
        int16_t l_558 = 1L;
        union U10 *l_567 = &g_568;
        int32_t l_582 = 0L;
        if (((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(((!(*g_39)) & p_21), 7)) <= l_473))
        { /* block id: 464 */
            int16_t l_479 = 0xE5EEL;
            int32_t l_493 = 0x04C8EFE7L;
            int32_t l_513[4];
            int16_t l_528 = 0x530EL;
            int8_t l_563 = 0xB4L;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                l_513[i] = (-3L);
            if (l_473)
            { /* block id: 465 */
                int64_t l_474 = 0x0F96F935EBCD1BFCLL;
                uint64_t *l_475 = 0;
                struct S7 l_496 = {158};
                const struct S0 l_497 = {106};
                int32_t l_527 = 0x0F004BBDL;
                (*g_291) = (l_474 & ((*g_291) = ((l_476 = ((p_20 , g_425[8][0][1]) != (l_427 = l_427))) != (safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u((l_479 , (safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(func_25(func_85((*g_155))), g_362.f1.f0))), (+g_148.f3.f5))))));
                if ((*g_291))
                { /* block id: 470 */
                    struct S2 l_487 = {1745487};
                    int8_t **l_488[8][9][3];
                    struct S3 *l_489[9];
                    struct S3 **l_491 = &l_489[0];
                    int i, j, k;
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                                l_488[i][j][k] = &g_62[0];
                    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        l_489[i] = &g_490[0];
                    l_476 &= p_20;
                    for (g_349.f2 = 0; (g_349.f2 <= (-27)); g_349.f2 = safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_349.f2, 1))
                    { /* block id: 474 */
                        int32_t *l_484 = &g_282.f2;
                        struct S7 *l_486 = &g_131;
                        (*l_484) |= (*g_291);
                        (*g_291) ^= (-1L);
                        (*l_486) = l_485;
                        l_487 = l_487;
                    (*l_491) = ((*l_491) = ((*l_491) = ((&l_468 == (g_93 = &p_21)) , l_489[0])));
                    (*g_291) ^= l_492;
                { /* block id: 485 */
                    struct S7 *l_501 = &l_485;
                    struct S7 **l_500 = &l_501;
                    struct S2 *l_504 = &g_170;
                    struct S2 **l_503 = &l_504;
                    if ((*g_291))
                    { /* block id: 486 */
                        l_493 = func_25(l_24);
                        (*g_291) &= (safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u(g_145.f3.f2, (l_496 , 1L)));
                    { /* block id: 489 */
                        int32_t **l_498[9];
                        int i;
                        for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            l_498[i] = &g_291;
                        l_499 = (l_497 , &p_20);
                        return (*g_39);
                    (*g_291) &= (((*l_500) = &g_131) != (l_502 = &g_131));
                    (*l_503) = 0;
                if ((l_496.f0 , ((*g_291) |= 0xD60485F9L)))
                { /* block id: 499 */
                    int32_t l_505[2];
                    uint32_t *l_510[2];
                    int16_t *l_514 = &g_139.f3;
                    const struct S2 l_515 = {6901973};
                    int8_t *l_516 = &l_468;
                    int8_t *l_517 = &g_63;
                    int8_t *l_518 = &g_519;
                    int32_t *l_520 = 0;
                    int32_t *l_521 = 0;
                    int32_t *l_522 = &g_349.f1.f2;
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        l_505[i] = 0L;
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        l_510[i] = &g_282.f4;
                    l_476 ^= p_21;
                    (*l_522) ^= func_34(l_473, l_22, (((l_476 != (l_505[1] , l_496.f0)) && p_21) , 0), ((*l_518) &= (g_490[0].f2 , (safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u((((*l_514) &= func_34(l_493, &l_473, &g_23, (((safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s(p_21, (p_20 && l_479))) , ((l_511 = p_20) < ((l_496.f0 , l_512) , 0x95726089L))) != (l_513[2] &= (*g_39))))) , (*g_155)), ((*l_517) ^= ((*l_516) = (!((*l_516) &= (l_515 , (-1L)))))))))));
                { /* block id: 509 */
                    uint64_t l_541 = 5U;
                    struct S7 l_545[2][8] = {{{178}, {128}, {103}, {60}, {60}, {103}, {128}, {178}}, {{178}, {128}, {103}, {60}, {60}, {103}, {128}, {178}}};
                    struct S6 ***l_548 = 0;
                    uint32_t *l_550 = &g_282.f4;
                    uint32_t *l_555[8];
                    uint64_t *l_559[8];
                    int32_t l_560 = 0L;
                    uint8_t *l_564 = &g_82[0];
                    int i, j;
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        l_555[i] = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        l_559[i] = &g_417;
                    (*g_291) |= (func_25((l_527 &= (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s(p_21, p_21)), l_497.f0)))) , (-5L));
                    for (g_329.f2 = 8; (g_329.f2 >= 0); g_329.f2 -= 1)
                    { /* block id: 514 */
                        union U8 **l_531 = 0;
                        union U8 **l_532 = &l_529;
                        int16_t l_539 = 0x28A1L;
                        int32_t *l_540[7][6][5];
                        int i, j, k;
                        for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                            for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                                for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                                    l_540[i][j][k] = &l_527;
                        (*g_291) |= l_528;
                        (*l_532) = l_529;
                        l_541 &= (safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s((-9L), func_85((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((((safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u(65532U, p_20)) , 0x0DD5463EL) | (((+l_539) ^ (*g_155)) , g_426[0][1].f1)), p_20)))));
                        for (g_432.f5 = 0; (g_432.f5 <= 0); g_432.f5 += 1)
                        { /* block id: 520 */
                            uint8_t l_542[3];
                            int i;
                            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                l_542[i] = 0U;
                            (*g_291) = func_25(l_542[1]);
                    for (l_476 = (-9); (l_476 != 26); l_476 = safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(l_476, 7))
                    { /* block id: 526 */
                        return (*g_39);
                    (*g_291) = (((*l_550) = (l_545[0][3] , (((((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s((l_548 == &g_255), p_21)) || ((p_21 & l_476) && l_513[2])) , (func_85(p_21) , p_21)) | l_549) < l_511))) | ((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(((g_428.f6 != g_362.f1.f3) <= (g_145.f3.f5 |= p_21)), 6)), ((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_u((l_493 , (func_25((l_560 |= (~(p_20 && l_558)))) >= (safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s((g_417 < g_284.f2), l_563)))), l_545[0][3].f0)) , ((*l_564) = 2U)))) , g_329.f5));
            { /* block id: 535 */
                for (l_493 = 0; (l_493 != 10); l_493 = safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(l_493, 1))
                { /* block id: 538 */
                    if ((*g_291))
            if (l_513[2])
            { /* block id: 542 */
                return p_20;
            { /* block id: 544 */
                return p_21;
        { /* block id: 547 */
            union U10 **l_569 = &l_567;
            int32_t l_573[2][2] = {{0L, 0L}, {0L, 0L}};
            struct S5 *l_583 = &g_584[0];
            struct S5 **l_585 = &l_583;
            uint16_t *l_586 = &g_349.f0;
            int i, j;
            (*l_569) = l_567;
            for (g_315.f2 = 0; (g_315.f2 <= 3); g_315.f2 += 1)
            { /* block id: 551 */
                struct S2 l_572 = {1796640};
                for (g_428.f6 = 0; (g_428.f6 <= 8); g_428.f6 += 1)
                { /* block id: 554 */
                    return p_21;
                for (g_284.f2 = 0; (g_284.f2 <= 3); g_284.f2 += 1)
                { /* block id: 559 */
                    int i;
                    g_352[0][1].f1.f1 ^= ((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u((l_572 , (!l_573[1][0])), g_426[0][1].f4)) , (+(*g_291)));
                    for (g_428.f3 = 0; (g_428.f3 >= 0); g_428.f3 -= 1)
                    { /* block id: 563 */
                        int16_t *l_578 = &l_558;
                        int i;
                        g_44[(g_428.f3 + 5)] = (*g_291);
                        (*g_291) = (safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u(p_20, 5U));
                        (*g_291) = ((safe_mod_func_int16_t_s_s(l_473, ((*l_578) ^= g_329.f4.f0))) | ((*g_39) , (p_21 ^ (*g_155))));
                    (*g_291) ^= l_473;
                for (g_148.f2 = 8; (g_148.f2 >= 3); g_148.f2 -= 1)
                { /* block id: 573 */
                    int i;
                    for (l_468 = 0; (l_468 <= 8); l_468 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 576 */
                        return l_558;
                    for (g_63 = 3; (g_63 <= 8); g_63 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 581 */
                        struct S6 **l_581 = &g_283;
                        (*l_581) = l_579;
                    g_44[(g_315.f2 + 4)] ^= l_473;
            (*l_585) = ((*l_585) = ((l_582 != (l_573[1][0] = 0x29L)) , l_583));
            l_511 ^= ((*g_291) = (p_21 < (g_254.f3.f1 != ((*l_586) = p_20))));
        l_511 = p_20;
        for (g_282.f4 = 0; (g_282.f4 == 5); g_282.f4 = safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_282.f4, 1))
        { /* block id: 597 */
            return l_476;
    l_24 |= (*g_291);
    (*l_589) = ((*l_589) = &l_24);
    return p_20;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads :
 * writes: g_362.f5
static int32_t  func_25(uint64_t  p_26)
{ /* block id: 414 */
    struct S2 l_420 = {5254458};
    struct S2 *l_421 = &g_362.f5;
    (*l_421) = (l_420 = l_420);
    return p_26;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_39 g_40 g_62 g_14.f2 g_2 g_96 g_63 g_132 g_14.f1 g_139.f3 g_117 g_154 g_108 g_155 g_148.f3.f2 g_14.f3.f5 g_170 g_139.f1 g_148.f2 g_14.f3.f2 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_44 g_145.f2 g_205 g_203 g_309 g_291 g_284.f2 g_314 g_317 g_93 g_82 g_283 g_336 g_284.f3.f2 g_131.f0 g_131 g_297.f5 g_148.f4 g_362.f0 g_295.f5 g_329.f2 g_254.f3.f2 g_282.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_295.f1.f0 g_284.f3.f1 g_282.f1 g_284.f3.f5 g_635.f0
 * writes: g_44 g_82 g_93 g_96 g_108 g_63 g_139.f3 g_148.f2 g_154 g_139.f1 g_148.f3.f2 g_185 g_139.f5 g_145.f4 g_145.f2 g_145.f1 g_203 g_131 g_284.f2 g_297.f0 g_170 g_314 g_317 g_291 g_282.f2 g_309 g_336 g_254.f4 g_139.f6 g_329.f2 g_148.f4 g_352.f2 g_117 g_205 g_239 g_254.f3.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_349.f1.f4 g_349.f2 g_352.f0 g_414 g_417 g_254.f2 g_635.f0
static int16_t  func_30(int8_t  p_31, int32_t  p_32, struct S0 * p_33)
{ /* block id: 19 */
    int8_t l_52 = (-1L);
    uint8_t l_53 = 255U;
    int8_t *l_56[1][4];
    int64_t * const l_61[9][10][1] = {{{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}, {{&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}, {&g_40}}};
    int8_t **l_64[5];
    int8_t *l_65 = &g_63;
    uint8_t *l_81 = &g_82[0];
    struct S2 l_94 = {5230143};
    uint16_t *l_95 = &g_96;
    uint8_t ***l_183[6];
    int16_t *l_184 = &g_185;
    struct S0 l_398 = {324};
    struct S7 l_399 = {166};
    int32_t l_406[8][8][4] = {{{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}, {{0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}, {0xBAF48D3DL, 8L, 1L, 1L}}};
    uint16_t *l_411 = 0;
    uint16_t *l_412 = 0;
    uint16_t *l_413 = &g_414;
    uint64_t *l_415 = 0;
    uint64_t *l_416 = &g_417;
    int32_t *l_418 = &g_254.f2;
    uint32_t l_419 = 0x96485889L;
    int i, j, k;
    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            l_56[i][j] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        l_64[i] = &g_62[0];
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        l_183[i] = 0;
    (*l_418) ^= (safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u(((safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_52, (p_31 &= (l_53 < (safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s((*g_39), (+(*g_39)))))))) > (l_406[4][1][1] = (func_57((l_65 = ((p_32 >= (l_61[6][3][0] != l_61[6][3][0])) , g_62[0])), func_66((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_sub_func_uint32_t_u_u(l_53, p_32)), (safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_14.f2, l_52)))) == ((g_44[1] |= 0xBEA24D65L) && (!g_2[3][1]))) , (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s(p_32, 8))), ((*l_81) = 0U))), ((l_53 <= ((p_32 , g_2[2][5]) , ((*l_184) ^= (safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s(func_85((safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s((*g_39), (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((~((*l_95) = (((safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s(p_32, (((&g_63 == (g_93 = &g_63)) , l_94) , p_32))) , g_62[0]) != &l_53))), 15))))), (safe_unary_minus_func_int64_t_s((g_14.f3.f2 || (0 != l_183[5]))))))))) || (((g_117[0] , l_94.f0) , 0) != l_184))), l_53) , (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(g_145.f2, (((((l_53 , (l_398 , (((*l_184) = (l_398.f0 , p_32)) , (*g_291)))) < 1L) , l_399) , ((safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_139.f1, 6)) >= (g_352[0][1].f0 = (p_32 > (safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s((g_297.f5.f0 , (g_349.f2 = p_32)), 18446744073709551609U)))))) , p_32)))))), (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(g_295.f1.f0, (g_284.f3.f1 , (!((safe_sub_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_282.f1, ((*l_413) |= g_14.f3.f5))) | ((*l_416) ^= (p_32 | g_284.f3.f5)))))))));
    return l_419;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_40 g_14.f4
 * writes: g_40 g_44
static int32_t  func_34(const uint32_t  p_35, int64_t * p_36, int64_t * p_37, int8_t  p_38)
{ /* block id: 10 */
    int32_t *l_45 = 0;
    int32_t *l_46[10][3];
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            l_46[i][j] = &g_44[2];
    for (g_40 = 16; (g_40 >= (-22)); g_40 = safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s(g_40, 6))
    { /* block id: 13 */
        int32_t *l_43 = &g_44[2];
        (*l_43) ^= g_14.f4;
    g_44[2] = p_38;
    if (g_40)
        goto lbl_47;
    return p_35;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_349.f1.f4 g_139.f5 g_297.f5
 * writes: g_349.f1.f4 g_139.f5
static struct S2  func_57(int8_t * p_58, struct S2  p_59, uint32_t  p_60)
{ /* block id: 394 */
    struct S2 * const l_389 = &g_297.f5;
    for (g_349.f1.f4 = 0; (g_349.f1.f4 < 38); g_349.f1.f4 = safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(g_349.f1.f4, 6))
    { /* block id: 397 */
        struct S2 *l_391 = &g_170;
        struct S2 **l_390 = &l_391;
        (*l_390) = l_389;
        for (g_139.f5 = (-10); (g_139.f5 < 9); g_139.f5 = safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(g_139.f5, 1))
        { /* block id: 401 */
            int32_t *l_394 = &g_145.f2;
            int32_t **l_395 = &l_394;
            (*l_395) = l_394;
    return g_297.f5;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_139.f5 g_148.f3.f2 g_170 g_145.f4 g_139.f1 g_155 g_44 g_145.f2 g_205 g_39 g_40 g_203 g_309 g_291 g_284.f2 g_314 g_317 g_148.f2 g_93 g_63 g_82 g_139.f3 g_283 g_14.f1 g_336 g_284.f3.f2 g_131.f0 g_131 g_297.f5 g_108 g_117 g_148.f4 g_362.f0 g_295.f5 g_329.f2 g_254.f3.f2 g_282.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_635.f0
 * writes: g_139.f5 g_148.f3.f2 g_145.f4 g_145.f2 g_139.f1 g_145.f1 g_44 g_203 g_131 g_148.f2 g_284.f2 g_297.f0 g_170 g_108 g_314 g_317 g_291 g_282.f2 g_139.f3 g_309 g_336 g_254.f4 g_139.f6 g_185 g_329.f2 g_148.f4 g_352.f2 g_117 g_82 g_63 g_205 g_239 g_254.f3.f2 g_145.f3.f2 g_635.f0
static struct S2  func_66(int16_t  p_67, uint32_t  p_68)
{ /* block id: 123 */
    uint32_t l_201 = 0U;
    uint64_t *l_202 = &g_203;
    const struct S0 l_204 = {25};
    uint16_t *l_210 = &g_139.f6;
    int32_t *l_236 = &g_148.f2;
    struct S2 l_289 = {1886213};
    struct S2 *l_311[4];
    struct S6 **l_344 = &g_283;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        l_311[i] = &g_295.f5;
    for (g_139.f5 = 0; (g_139.f5 < (-5)); g_139.f5 = safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(g_139.f5, 1))
    { /* block id: 126 */
        struct S7 *l_196[5][6][6];
        int32_t l_197 = (-1L);
        int32_t *l_198 = &g_44[3];
        int i, j, k;
        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    l_196[i][j][k] = &g_131;
        for (g_148.f3.f2 = 0; (g_148.f3.f2 != (-23)); g_148.f3.f2 = safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(g_148.f3.f2, 1))
        { /* block id: 129 */
            return g_170;
        for (g_145.f4 = (-6); (g_145.f4 <= 35); g_145.f4 = safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_145.f4, 1))
        { /* block id: 134 */
            int32_t *l_192 = 0;
            int32_t *l_193 = &g_145.f2;
            (*l_193) = 0x88B79AEDL;
        for (g_139.f1 = 0; (g_139.f1 < 32); g_139.f1 = safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_139.f1, 1))
        { /* block id: 139 */
            l_196[4][3][1] = &g_131;
        (*l_198) = (g_145.f1 = l_197);
    if (((*g_155) ^ (0x2C4620BAB25E7EEALL >= (((p_68 , ((*l_202) = (l_201 |= (g_44[1] , g_145.f2)))) >= (((l_204 , l_204) , g_205) , (-7L))) == (safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s((safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u((&g_96 != l_210), (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u(p_67, l_204.f0)))), (*g_39)))))))
    { /* block id: 147 */
        struct S2 **l_218[8][7];
        int32_t *l_234[3];
        struct S6 *l_281 = &g_282;
        struct S7 l_307 = {104};
        struct S7 *l_308 = &g_131;
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                l_218[i][j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            l_234[i] = &g_2[3][1];
        for (g_203 = 6; (g_203 <= 6); g_203 = safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_203, 7))
        { /* block id: 150 */
            struct S2 *l_217[2];
            struct S2 **l_216 = &l_217[0];
            struct S2 ***l_215 = &l_216;
            struct S7 l_233 = {11};
            uint16_t l_251 = 65531U;
            const struct S3 *l_294 = &g_295;
            int32_t l_302 = (-1L);
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                l_217[i] = &g_170;
        (*l_308) = l_307;
        (*g_291) = g_309;
    { /* block id: 246 */
        (*g_291) = p_67;
        (*l_236) = (p_68 >= p_68);
    for (g_284.f2 = 0; (g_284.f2 <= 0); g_284.f2 += 1)
    { /* block id: 252 */
        uint16_t l_312 = 65532U;
        struct S2 **l_335 = &l_311[1];
        int32_t l_347 = 8L;
        struct S2 l_357 = {5916438};
        for (g_297.f0 = 0; (g_297.f0 <= 0); g_297.f0 += 1)
        { /* block id: 255 */
            struct S2 *l_310 = &g_170;
            int32_t l_313 = 0x8404EDCDL;
            int32_t **l_322 = &g_291;
            (*l_310) = l_289;
            for (g_108 = 0; (g_108 <= 0); g_108 += 1)
            { /* block id: 259 */
                int32_t l_321 = (-1L);
                l_311[1] = 0;
                (*g_291) = l_312;
                if (l_313)
                { /* block id: 262 */
                    struct S4 **l_316 = &g_314;
                    (*l_316) = ((*l_316) = g_314);
                { /* block id: 265 */
                    int32_t *l_320 = &g_282.f2;
                    g_317 = g_317;
                    if (p_68)
                    for (g_139.f5 = 0; (g_139.f5 >= 0); g_139.f5 -= 1)
                    { /* block id: 270 */
                        int32_t **l_319 = &g_291;
                        g_170 = (*l_310);
                        (*l_319) = l_236;
                    (*l_320) |= (*g_291);
                l_313 = (p_68 , (p_67 >= ((*g_93) | l_321)));
            (*l_322) = l_236;
        for (g_139.f3 = 0; (g_139.f3 <= 0); g_139.f3 += 1)
        { /* block id: 282 */
            uint32_t *l_325 = &g_309;
            struct S6 **l_345 = &g_283;
            int32_t *l_359[6];
            struct S2 l_380[10] = {{7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}, {7974721}};
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                l_359[i] = &g_352[0][1].f1.f2;
            if ((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u(0L, (((*l_325) = g_82[g_284.f2]) | 0L))))
            { /* block id: 284 */
                uint32_t l_326 = 0xA6CC4BABL;
                (*l_236) = l_326;
                for (l_326 = 0; (l_326 <= 0); l_326 += 1)
                { /* block id: 288 */
                    struct S4 *l_328[2][1][2];
                    int i, j, k;
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                            for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                                l_328[i][j][k] = &g_329;
                    for (g_309 = 0; (g_309 <= 0); g_309 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 291 */
                        int32_t *l_327 = &g_44[2];
                        struct S4 **l_330 = 0;
                        struct S4 **l_331 = 0;
                        struct S4 **l_332 = &g_314;
                        int i;
                        l_327 = 0;
                        (*l_332) = l_328[0][0][1];
                        g_44[(g_139.f3 + 2)] = g_44[(g_284.f2 + 2)];
                    g_44[g_284.f2] = (g_283 == g_283);
                if ((*g_291))
                for (l_201 = 0; (l_201 <= 0); l_201 += 1)
                { /* block id: 301 */
                    volatile union U10 **l_338 = &g_336;
                    union U9 *l_351 = &g_352[0][1];
                    int32_t l_358 = 0xB0E3062CL;
                    (*l_338) = ((((safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_u(g_14.f1, g_44[7])) , g_82[g_284.f2]) , (p_67 , (&g_132 == l_335))) , g_336);
                    for (g_254.f4 = 0; (g_254.f4 <= 0); g_254.f4 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 305 */
                        int16_t *l_346[6][2];
                        int i, j;
                        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                                l_346[i][j] = &g_185;
                        (*l_236) = ((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((*l_210) = (((safe_unary_minus_func_uint32_t_u((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(((g_82[0] < p_68) | (p_67 == (*g_291))), l_326)))) == 1U) > p_67)), 6)) < (p_68 , ((l_344 == l_345) , (l_347 = (g_185 = g_284.f3.f2)))));
                    if (p_68)
                    { /* block id: 311 */
                        union U9 *l_348 = &g_349;
                        union U9 **l_350[8];
                        int16_t *l_355 = &g_185;
                        struct S7 *l_356 = &g_131;
                        int i;
                        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            l_350[i] = &g_239;
                        l_351 = l_348;
                        (*l_356) = (((*g_291) = (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(((*l_355) = g_131.f0), 6))) , g_131);
                        return l_357;
                    { /* block id: 317 */
                        (*l_236) |= l_358;
                        l_359[0] = &g_2[2][4];
            { /* block id: 322 */
                for (g_329.f2 = 0; (g_329.f2 <= 0); g_329.f2 += 1)
                { /* block id: 325 */
                    struct S3 *l_361 = &g_362;
                    struct S3 **l_360 = &l_361;
                    int i;
                    (*l_360) = 0;
                    (*g_291) = g_82[g_139.f3];
                return g_297.f5;
            for (g_148.f4 = 0; (g_148.f4 <= 0); g_148.f4 += 1)
            { /* block id: 333 */
                struct S7 *l_363 = &g_131;
                struct S0 l_365 = {138};
                struct S2 l_371 = {2410186};
                int32_t l_381 = 0xA5F1E058L;
                (*l_363) = g_131;
                if (p_67)
                for (g_108 = 0; (g_108 <= 0); g_108 += 1)
                { /* block id: 338 */
                    int64_t *l_364 = &g_352[0][1].f2;
                    uint16_t l_382[1];
                    uint16_t *l_383 = &l_382[0];
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                        l_382[i] = 0xB6BBL;
                    (*g_291) = (((*l_364) &= g_117[g_108]) >= (l_365 , (*g_39)));
                    (*l_236) = (0x6BL | p_68);
                    if ((*g_291))
                    { /* block id: 342 */
                        int i;
                        (*l_236) ^= (-4L);
                        (*g_291) = (safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_unary_minus_func_uint64_t_u((((g_82[g_108] = ((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((g_117[g_148.f4] |= l_365.f0), 0)) <= g_362.f0)) == (*g_155)) < (g_185 = (l_371 , ((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u((*g_155), ((*g_93) = ((*g_93) = (safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s(p_67, (p_68 >= (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(7L, ((*l_210) = ((*l_210) = ((*l_210) = (l_380[3] , p_68)))))), ((l_357 = g_297.f5) , l_371.f0)))))))))) & (g_295.f5 , (~(g_205 ^= (*l_236)))))))))), p_67));
                    { /* block id: 355 */
                        l_381 |= ((*g_291) = p_67);
                        (*g_291) = ((*l_236) |= l_382[0]);
                    (*g_291) ^= ((g_139.f3 != (((*l_383) ^= ((*l_210) = 0xEFB4L)) < p_67)) >= l_347);
        for (p_67 = 0; (p_67 <= 0); p_67 += 1)
        { /* block id: 369 */
            for (g_329.f2 = 0; (g_329.f2 <= 8); g_329.f2 += 1)
            { /* block id: 372 */
                union U9 **l_384 = &g_239;
                int32_t **l_385 = &g_291;
                struct S2 l_386 = {6768189};
                int i;
                g_44[p_67] = g_44[g_329.f2];
                (*l_384) = 0;
                (*l_385) = &g_44[2];
                for (g_254.f3.f2 = 0; (g_254.f3.f2 <= 8); g_254.f3.f2 += 1)
                { /* block id: 378 */
                    for (g_282.f2 = 5; (g_282.f2 >= 0); g_282.f2 -= 1)
                    { /* block id: 381 */
                        return g_297.f5;
                    for (g_145.f3.f2 = 2; (g_145.f3.f2 <= 8); g_145.f3.f2 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 386 */
                        return l_386;
    return g_170;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_96 g_40 g_63 g_132 g_14.f1 g_39 g_139.f3 g_117 g_154 g_108 g_155 g_148.f3.f2 g_14.f3.f5 g_170 g_139.f1 g_148.f2 g_14.f2 g_2
 * writes: g_96 g_108 g_63 g_139.f3 g_148.f2 g_154 g_139.f1 g_148.f3.f2
static int64_t  func_85(uint8_t  p_86)
{ /* block id: 26 */
    struct S2 l_99 = {4817639};
    struct S2 *l_100 = &l_99;
    int32_t l_124[9] = {0L, 8L, (-7L), (-7L), 8L, 0L, 8L, (-7L), (-7L)};
    struct S7 *l_149 = 0;
    int i;
    for (g_96 = 0; (g_96 == 54); g_96 = safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(g_96, 1))
    { /* block id: 29 */
        if (g_40)
    (*l_100) = l_99;
    for (p_86 = 0; (p_86 <= 8); p_86 += 1)
    { /* block id: 35 */
        int32_t l_103 = 0xCF0C6D79L;
        const int32_t l_106 = 8L;
        int32_t *l_107 = &g_108;
        struct S2 l_143 = {5877577};
        struct S6 *l_147[6];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            l_147[i] = &g_148;
        (*l_107) &= (safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(l_103, (safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s(l_106, p_86))));
        for (l_103 = 3; (l_103 <= 8); l_103 += 1)
        { /* block id: 39 */
            uint8_t l_129 = 1U;
            struct S7 **l_150[3];
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                l_150[i] = &l_149;
            for (g_63 = 0; (g_63 <= 8); g_63 += 1)
            { /* block id: 42 */
                int8_t l_112 = 0xB4L;
                struct S2 l_130 = {675508};
                volatile struct S2 *l_134 = &g_135;
                for (g_96 = 0; (g_96 <= 8); g_96 += 1)
                { /* block id: 45 */
                    uint8_t l_113 = 0U;
                    struct S2 *l_136 = &l_99;
                    struct S1 *l_138 = &g_139;
                    for (g_108 = 1; (g_108 <= 8); g_108 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 48 */
                        const int64_t l_111[10] = {(-5L), (-5L), 0L, 0x8489170B2B3379FELL, 0xD5BEC68AB6310099LL, 0x8489170B2B3379FELL, 0L, (-5L), (-5L), 0L};
                        int i;
                        l_113 = ((safe_sub_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_63, l_111[1])) , l_112);
                    for (l_113 = 2; (l_113 <= 8); l_113 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 53 */
                        uint8_t *l_116 = &g_117[0];
                        int8_t *l_125 = 0;
                        int8_t *l_126 = 0;
                        int8_t *l_127[4][5];
                        int32_t l_128 = (-3L);
                        volatile struct S2 **l_133[5][5][6];
                        int i, j, k;
                        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                                l_127[i][j] = &l_112;
                        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                            for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                                for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                                    l_133[i][j][k] = &g_132;
                    for (l_129 = 0; (l_129 <= 8); l_129 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 64 */
                        volatile struct S2 **l_137 = &l_134;
                        int i;
                        l_124[p_86] = (0x47L || (g_132 == l_136));
                        (*l_137) = g_132;
                    for (l_129 = 0; (l_129 <= 8); l_129 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 70 */
                        struct S1 **l_140 = &l_138;
                        (*l_140) = l_138;
            if ((g_14.f1 && (safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u(((*g_39) & 0x5AB6DA70A41DF588LL), p_86))))
            { /* block id: 75 */
                (*l_107) = g_63;
                (*l_100) = l_143;
            { /* block id: 78 */
                struct S6 *l_144 = &g_145;
                struct S6 **l_146[6][2][9];
                int i, j, k;
                for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                        for (k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                            l_146[i][j][k] = &l_144;
                l_147[4] = l_144;
                l_107 = &l_124[8];
                for (g_139.f3 = 0; (g_139.f3 <= 8); g_139.f3 += 1)
                { /* block id: 83 */
                    return p_86;
            l_149 = l_149;
        if ((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_124[8], g_117[0])))
        { /* block id: 89 */
            (*l_107) = g_40;
        { /* block id: 91 */
            int32_t *l_153 = &g_148.f2;
            uint8_t * volatile **l_156[2];
            int8_t l_181[10] = {(-1L), (-1L), 0x1CL, (-1L), (-1L), 0x1CL, (-1L), (-1L), 0x1CL, (-1L)};
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                l_156[i] = &g_154[0];
            (*l_153) &= l_124[8];
            g_154[0] = g_154[0];
            (*l_153) |= (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((*l_107), ((*g_155) &= (*l_107))));
            for (g_148.f3.f2 = 8; (g_148.f3.f2 >= 3); g_148.f3.f2 -= 1)
            { /* block id: 98 */
                int8_t l_169 = 0x57L;
                int32_t l_179[9][8][3] = {{{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}, {{(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}, {(-1L), 0x7C9ED2D3L, (-7L)}}};
                int i, j, k;
                (*l_107) = (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u((l_179[3][2][1] = (safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u((p_86 <= (*g_39)), (safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_div_func_int16_t_s_s(((p_86 , (safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_14.f3.f5, p_86))) > l_169), p_86)), (((*l_100) , (*l_107)) , (((*l_100) = g_170) , (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_u((((&l_124[8] != l_153) || (p_86 , (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s((((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s((*l_107), p_86)) | (l_103 = ((+(*g_155)) != (*l_153)))) & (safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s(g_14.f1, 1U))), 9)))) , ((p_86 != g_14.f2) , ((0x86L == (l_124[8] >= (*l_153))) , g_14.f2))), g_2[3][1]))))))))), ((*g_155) ^ 0x40L)));
                for (g_139.f1 = 0; (g_139.f1 <= 8); g_139.f1 += 1)
                { /* block id: 105 */
                    int32_t **l_180 = &l_153;
                    (*l_180) = &l_124[0];
                for (l_169 = 8; (l_169 >= 3); l_169 -= 1)
                { /* block id: 110 */
                    g_108 |= l_179[2][7][0];
                    for (g_96 = 0; (g_96 <= 1); g_96 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 114 */
                        return l_181[8];
    return (*g_39);

/* ---------------------------------------- */
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    int i, j, k;
    int print_hash_value = 0;
    if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "1") == 0) print_hash_value = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
            transparent_crc(g_2[i][j], "g_2[i][j]", print_hash_value);
            if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_13[i].f0, "g_13[i].f0", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_14.f0.f0, "g_14.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f0.f1, "g_14.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f0.f2, "g_14.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f0.f3.f0, "g_14.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f0.f4.f0, "g_14.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f0.f5, "g_14.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f1, "g_14.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f2, "g_14.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f3.f0, "g_14.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f3.f1, "g_14.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f3.f2, "g_14.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f3.f3.f0, "g_14.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f3.f4.f0, "g_14.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f3.f5, "g_14.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f4, "g_14.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f5, "g_14.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f0, "g_14.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f1, "g_14.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f2, "g_14.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f3, "g_14.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f4, "g_14.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f5, "g_14.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f6, "g_14.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f6.f7, "g_14.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_14.f7, "g_14.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_23, "g_23", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_40, "g_40", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_44[i], "g_44[i]", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_63, "g_63", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_82[i], "g_82[i]", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_96, "g_96", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_108, "g_108", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_117[i], "g_117[i]", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_131.f0, "g_131.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_135.f0, "g_135.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f0, "g_139.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f1, "g_139.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f2, "g_139.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f3, "g_139.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f4, "g_139.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f5, "g_139.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f6, "g_139.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_139.f7, "g_139.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f0.f0, "g_145.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f0.f1, "g_145.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f0.f2, "g_145.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f0.f3.f0, "g_145.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f0.f4.f0, "g_145.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f0.f5, "g_145.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f1, "g_145.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f2, "g_145.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f3.f0, "g_145.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f3.f1, "g_145.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f3.f2, "g_145.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f3.f3.f0, "g_145.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f3.f4.f0, "g_145.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f3.f5, "g_145.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f4, "g_145.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f5, "g_145.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f0, "g_145.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f1, "g_145.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f2, "g_145.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f3, "g_145.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f4, "g_145.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f5, "g_145.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f6, "g_145.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f6.f7, "g_145.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_145.f7, "g_145.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f0.f0, "g_148.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f0.f1, "g_148.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f0.f2, "g_148.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f0.f3.f0, "g_148.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f0.f4.f0, "g_148.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f0.f5, "g_148.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f1, "g_148.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f2, "g_148.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f3.f0, "g_148.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f3.f1, "g_148.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f3.f2, "g_148.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f3.f3.f0, "g_148.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f3.f4.f0, "g_148.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f3.f5, "g_148.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f4, "g_148.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f5, "g_148.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f0, "g_148.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f1, "g_148.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f2, "g_148.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f3, "g_148.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f4, "g_148.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f5, "g_148.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f6, "g_148.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f6.f7, "g_148.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_148.f7, "g_148.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_170.f0, "g_170.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_185, "g_185", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_203, "g_203", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_205, "g_205", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f0.f0, "g_254.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f0.f1, "g_254.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f0.f2, "g_254.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f0.f3.f0, "g_254.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f0.f4.f0, "g_254.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f0.f5, "g_254.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f1, "g_254.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f2, "g_254.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f3.f0, "g_254.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f3.f1, "g_254.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f3.f2, "g_254.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f3.f3.f0, "g_254.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f3.f4.f0, "g_254.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f3.f5, "g_254.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f4, "g_254.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f5, "g_254.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f0, "g_254.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f1, "g_254.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f2, "g_254.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f3, "g_254.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f4, "g_254.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f5, "g_254.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f6, "g_254.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f6.f7, "g_254.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_254.f7, "g_254.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f0.f0, "g_257.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f0.f1, "g_257.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_257.f3.f0, "g_257.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f3.f1, "g_257.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f3.f2, "g_257.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f3.f3.f0, "g_257.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f3.f4.f0, "g_257.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f3.f5, "g_257.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f4, "g_257.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f5, "g_257.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f0, "g_257.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f1, "g_257.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f2, "g_257.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f3, "g_257.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f4, "g_257.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f5, "g_257.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f6, "g_257.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f6.f7, "g_257.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_257.f7, "g_257.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f0.f0, "g_276.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f0.f1, "g_276.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f0.f2, "g_276.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f0.f3.f0, "g_276.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f0.f4.f0, "g_276.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f0.f5, "g_276.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f1, "g_276.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f2, "g_276.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f3.f0, "g_276.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f3.f1, "g_276.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f3.f2, "g_276.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f3.f3.f0, "g_276.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f3.f4.f0, "g_276.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f3.f5, "g_276.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_276.f5, "g_276.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f0, "g_276.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f1, "g_276.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f2, "g_276.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f3, "g_276.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f4, "g_276.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f5, "g_276.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f6, "g_276.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f6.f7, "g_276.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_276.f7, "g_276.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f0.f0, "g_282.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_282.f0.f4.f0, "g_282.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f0.f5, "g_282.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_282.f3.f0, "g_282.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f3.f1, "g_282.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f3.f2, "g_282.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f3.f3.f0, "g_282.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f3.f4.f0, "g_282.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_282.f5, "g_282.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f6.f0, "g_282.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_282.f6.f6, "g_282.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f6.f7, "g_282.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_282.f7, "g_282.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f0.f0, "g_284.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f0.f1, "g_284.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f0.f2, "g_284.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f0.f3.f0, "g_284.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f0.f4.f0, "g_284.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f0.f5, "g_284.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_284.f3.f0, "g_284.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f3.f1, "g_284.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f3.f2, "g_284.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f3.f3.f0, "g_284.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f3.f4.f0, "g_284.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f3.f5, "g_284.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f4, "g_284.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f5, "g_284.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f6.f0, "g_284.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_284.f6.f5, "g_284.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f6.f6, "g_284.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f6.f7, "g_284.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_284.f7, "g_284.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_288, "g_288", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f0, "g_295.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f0, "g_295.f1.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f1, "g_295.f1.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f2, "g_295.f1.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f3, "g_295.f1.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f4, "g_295.f1.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f5, "g_295.f1.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f6, "g_295.f1.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f1.f7, "g_295.f1.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f2, "g_295.f2", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_295.f4, "g_295.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_295.f5.f0, "g_295.f5.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_297.f0, "g_297.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_297.f1.f0, "g_297.f1.f0", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_297.f1.f6, "g_297.f1.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_297.f1.f7, "g_297.f1.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_297.f2, "g_297.f2", print_hash_value);
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    transparent_crc(g_297.f4, "g_297.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_297.f5.f0, "g_297.f5.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_309, "g_309", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_315.f0, "g_315.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_315.f1, "g_315.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_315.f2, "g_315.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_315.f3.f0, "g_315.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_315.f4.f0, "g_315.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_315.f5, "g_315.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_318.f0, "g_318.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_318.f1, "g_318.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_318.f2, "g_318.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_318.f3, "g_318.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_329.f0, "g_329.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_329.f1, "g_329.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_329.f2, "g_329.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_329.f3.f0, "g_329.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_329.f4.f0, "g_329.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_329.f5, "g_329.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_337.f0.f0, "g_337.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_337.f0.f1, "g_337.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_337.f0.f2, "g_337.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_337.f0.f3, "g_337.f0.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_349.f0, "g_349.f0", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            transparent_crc(g_352[i][j].f0, "g_352[i][j].f0", print_hash_value);
            if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);

    transparent_crc(g_362.f0, "g_362.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f0, "g_362.f1.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f1, "g_362.f1.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f2, "g_362.f1.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f3, "g_362.f1.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f4, "g_362.f1.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f5, "g_362.f1.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f6, "g_362.f1.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f1.f7, "g_362.f1.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f2, "g_362.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f3, "g_362.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f4, "g_362.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_362.f5.f0, "g_362.f5.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_414, "g_414", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_417, "g_417", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f0, "g_426[i][j].f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f1, "g_426[i][j].f1", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f2, "g_426[i][j].f2", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f3, "g_426[i][j].f3", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f4, "g_426[i][j].f4", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f5, "g_426[i][j].f5", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f6, "g_426[i][j].f6", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_426[i][j].f7, "g_426[i][j].f7", print_hash_value);
            if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);

    transparent_crc(g_428.f0, "g_428.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f1, "g_428.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f2, "g_428.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f3, "g_428.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f4, "g_428.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f5, "g_428.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f6, "g_428.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_428.f7, "g_428.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f0, "g_432.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f1, "g_432.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f2, "g_432.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f3, "g_432.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f4, "g_432.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f5, "g_432.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f6, "g_432.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_432.f7, "g_432.f7", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f0, "g_490[i].f0", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f0, "g_490[i].f1.f0", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f1, "g_490[i].f1.f1", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f2, "g_490[i].f1.f2", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f3, "g_490[i].f1.f3", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f4, "g_490[i].f1.f4", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f5, "g_490[i].f1.f5", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f6, "g_490[i].f1.f6", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f1.f7, "g_490[i].f1.f7", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f2, "g_490[i].f2", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f3, "g_490[i].f3", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f4, "g_490[i].f4", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_490[i].f5.f0, "g_490[i].f5.f0", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_519, "g_519", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_530[i].f0, "g_530[i].f0", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_530[i].f3, "g_530[i].f3", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_568.f0.f0, "g_568.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_568.f0.f1, "g_568.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_568.f0.f2, "g_568.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_568.f0.f3, "g_568.f0.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f0.f0, "g_580.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f0.f1, "g_580.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f0.f2, "g_580.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f0.f3.f0, "g_580.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f0.f4.f0, "g_580.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f0.f5, "g_580.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f1, "g_580.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f2, "g_580.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f3.f0, "g_580.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f3.f1, "g_580.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f3.f2, "g_580.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f3.f3.f0, "g_580.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f3.f4.f0, "g_580.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f3.f5, "g_580.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f4, "g_580.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f5, "g_580.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f0, "g_580.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f1, "g_580.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f2, "g_580.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f3, "g_580.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f4, "g_580.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f5, "g_580.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f6, "g_580.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f6.f7, "g_580.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_580.f7, "g_580.f7", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_584[i].f0, "g_584[i].f0", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_584[i].f1, "g_584[i].f1", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_584[i].f2, "g_584[i].f2", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_584[i].f3, "g_584[i].f3", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_591.f0, "g_591.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f1, "g_591.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f2, "g_591.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f3, "g_591.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f4, "g_591.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f5, "g_591.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f6, "g_591.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_591.f7, "g_591.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_597.f0, "g_597.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_630.f0, "g_630.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_630.f3, "g_630.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_635.f0, "g_635.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_635.f1, "g_635.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_635.f2, "g_635.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_635.f3, "g_635.f3", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            transparent_crc(g_636[i][j].f0, "g_636[i][j].f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_636[i][j].f1, "g_636[i][j].f1", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_636[i][j].f2, "g_636[i][j].f2", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_636[i][j].f3, "g_636[i][j].f3", print_hash_value);
            if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);

    transparent_crc(g_641.f0, "g_641.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_641.f1, "g_641.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_641.f2, "g_641.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_641.f3, "g_641.f3", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_664[i].f0, "g_664[i].f0", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_710.f0, "g_710.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_710.f3, "g_710.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_731.f0.f0, "g_731.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_731.f0.f1, "g_731.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_731.f0.f2, "g_731.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_731.f0.f3, "g_731.f0.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f0, "g_773.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f1, "g_773.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f2, "g_773.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f3, "g_773.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f4, "g_773.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f5, "g_773.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f6, "g_773.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_773.f7, "g_773.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f0, "g_794.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f1, "g_794.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f2, "g_794.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f3, "g_794.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f4, "g_794.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f5, "g_794.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f6, "g_794.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_794.f7, "g_794.f7", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_828[i].f0.f0, "g_828[i].f0.f0", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_828[i].f0.f1, "g_828[i].f0.f1", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_828[i].f0.f2, "g_828[i].f0.f2", print_hash_value);
        transparent_crc(g_828[i].f0.f3, "g_828[i].f0.f3", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        transparent_crc(g_837[i], "g_837[i]", print_hash_value);
        if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);

    transparent_crc(g_849.f0, "g_849.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_849.f1, "g_849.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_849.f2, "g_849.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_849.f3.f0, "g_849.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_849.f4.f0, "g_849.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_849.f5, "g_849.f5", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                transparent_crc(g_859[i][j][k].f0, "g_859[i][j][k].f0", print_hash_value);
                transparent_crc(g_859[i][j][k].f3, "g_859[i][j][k].f3", print_hash_value);
                if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);

    transparent_crc(g_895.f0, "g_895.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_895.f1, "g_895.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_895.f2, "g_895.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_895.f3.f0, "g_895.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_895.f4.f0, "g_895.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_895.f5, "g_895.f5", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f0.f0, "g_909[i][j].f0.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f0.f1, "g_909[i][j].f0.f1", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f0.f2, "g_909[i][j].f0.f2", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f0.f3.f0, "g_909[i][j].f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f0.f4.f0, "g_909[i][j].f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f0.f5, "g_909[i][j].f0.f5", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f1, "g_909[i][j].f1", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f2, "g_909[i][j].f2", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f3.f0, "g_909[i][j].f3.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f3.f1, "g_909[i][j].f3.f1", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f3.f2, "g_909[i][j].f3.f2", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f3.f3.f0, "g_909[i][j].f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f3.f4.f0, "g_909[i][j].f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f3.f5, "g_909[i][j].f3.f5", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f4, "g_909[i][j].f4", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f5, "g_909[i][j].f5", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f0, "g_909[i][j].f6.f0", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f1, "g_909[i][j].f6.f1", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f2, "g_909[i][j].f6.f2", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f3, "g_909[i][j].f6.f3", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f4, "g_909[i][j].f6.f4", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f5, "g_909[i][j].f6.f5", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f6, "g_909[i][j].f6.f6", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f6.f7, "g_909[i][j].f6.f7", print_hash_value);
            transparent_crc(g_909[i][j].f7, "g_909[i][j].f7", print_hash_value);
            if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);

    transparent_crc(g_910.f0.f0, "g_910.f0.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f0.f1, "g_910.f0.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f0.f2, "g_910.f0.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f0.f3.f0, "g_910.f0.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f0.f4.f0, "g_910.f0.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f0.f5, "g_910.f0.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f1, "g_910.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f2, "g_910.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f3.f0, "g_910.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f3.f1, "g_910.f3.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f3.f2, "g_910.f3.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f3.f3.f0, "g_910.f3.f3.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f3.f4.f0, "g_910.f3.f4.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f3.f5, "g_910.f3.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f4, "g_910.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f5, "g_910.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f0, "g_910.f6.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f1, "g_910.f6.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f2, "g_910.f6.f2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f3, "g_910.f6.f3", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f4, "g_910.f6.f4", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f5, "g_910.f6.f5", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f6, "g_910.f6.f6", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f6.f7, "g_910.f6.f7", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_910.f7, "g_910.f7", print_hash_value);
    platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
    return 0;

/************************ statistics *************************
XXX max struct depth: 8
   depth: 0, occurrence: 214
   depth: 1, occurrence: 65
   depth: 2, occurrence: 0
   depth: 3, occurrence: 1
   depth: 4, occurrence: 0
   depth: 5, occurrence: 0
   depth: 6, occurrence: 0
   depth: 7, occurrence: 0
   depth: 8, occurrence: 3
XXX total union variables: 4

XXX non-zero bitfields defined in structs: 7
XXX zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX const bitfields defined in structs: 2
XXX volatile bitfields defined in structs: 2
XXX structs with bitfields in the program: 110
   indirect level: 0, occurrence: 68
   indirect level: 1, occurrence: 30
   indirect level: 2, occurrence: 9
   indirect level: 3, occurrence: 3
XXX full-bitfields structs in the program: 61
   indirect level: 0, occurrence: 61
XXX times a bitfields struct's address is taken: 30
XXX times a bitfields struct on LHS: 12
XXX times a bitfields struct on RHS: 104
XXX times a single bitfield on LHS: 7
XXX times a single bitfield on RHS: 58

XXX max expression depth: 2
   depth: 0, occurrence: 464
   depth: 1, occurrence: 22
   depth: 2, occurrence: 1

XXX total number of pointers: 327

XXX times a variable address is taken: 122
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on RHS: 136
   depth: 1, occurrence: 130
   depth: 2, occurrence: 6
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on LHS: 265
   depth: 1, occurrence: 264
   depth: 2, occurrence: 1
XXX times a pointer is compared with null: 6
XXX times a pointer is compared with address of another variable: 4
XXX times a pointer is compared with another pointer: 9
XXX times a pointer is qualified to be dereferenced: 1122

XXX max dereference level: 3
   level: 0, occurrence: 0
   level: 1, occurrence: 2456
   level: 2, occurrence: 24
   level: 3, occurrence: 1
XXX number of pointers point to pointers: 121
XXX number of pointers point to scalars: 122
XXX number of pointers point to structs: 69
XXX percent of pointers has null in alias set: 24.5
XXX average alias set size: 1.18

XXX times a non-volatile is read: 900
XXX times a non-volatile is write: 712
XXX times a volatile is read: 47
XXX    times read thru a pointer: 14
XXX times a volatile is write: 40
XXX    times written thru a pointer: 18
XXX times a volatile is available for access: 356
XXX percentage of non-volatile access: 94.9

XXX forward jumps: 0
XXX backward jumps: 2

XXX stmts: 924

XXX percentage a fresh-made variable is used: 26.8
XXX percentage an existing variable is used: 73.2
********************* end of statistics **********************/

/* Compiler error! Can't compile with gcc -O1  -I/tmp/csmith-0.0//runtime */
/* please refer to http://embed.cs.utah.edu/csmith/using.html on how to report a bug */
 * Generator: csmith 2.1.0
 * Git version: b8d96d3
 * Options:   --bitfields --packed-struct --output test87981.c
 * Seed:      4284760960

#include "csmith.h"

static long __undefined;