Composable Multi-Level Debugging with Stackdb
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) 2014.
DOI: 10.1145/2576195.2576212
© Copyright 2014 by ACM, Inc. Posted by permission of ACM; the copies posted here may not be redistributed. The definitive copy of this work is available from the ACM Digital Library.
Operating Systems,
Virtual machine introspection (VMI) allows users to debug software that executes within a virtual machine. To support rich, whole-system analyses, a VMI tool must inspect and control systems at multiple levels of the software stack. Traditional debuggers enable inspection and control, but they limit users to treating a whole system as just one kind of target: e.g., just a kernel, or just a process, but not both.
We created Stackdb, a debugging library with VMI support that allows one to monitor and control a whole system through multiple, coordinated targets. A target corresponds to a particular level of the system's software stack; multiple targets allow a user to observe a VM guest at several levels of abstraction simultaneously. For example, with Stackdb, one can observe a PHP script running in a Linux process in a Xen VM via three coordinated targets at the language, process, and kernel levels. Within Stackdb, higher-level targets are components that utilize lower-level targets; a key contribution of Stackdb is its API that supports multi-level and flexible “stacks” of targets. This paper describes the challenges we faced in creating Stackdb, presents the solutions we devised, and evaluates Stackdb through its application to a security-focused, whole-system case study.