Flux Research Group / School of Computing

mobile networking people

Sneha Kumar Kasera
Sneha Kumar Kasera
Affiliated Faculty
Aki Nakao
Aki Nakao
Affiliated Faculty
Neal Patwari
Neal Patwari
Affiliated Faculty
John Regehr
John Regehr
Affiliated Faculty
David Schurig
David Schurig
Affiliated Faculty
Dustin Maas
Dustin Maas
Research staff
Alex Orange
Alex Orange
Research staff
Kirk Webb
Kirk Webb
Research staff
Samuel Zachary
Samuel Zachary
Research staff
Mugahed Izzeldin
Mugahed Izzeldin
PhD student
Ali Nawazish
Ali Nawazish
PhD student
Axe Tang
Axe Tang
PhD student
Ryan West
Ryan West
PhD student
Yingjing Wu
Yingjing Wu
PhD student
Anirudh Kamath
Anirudh Kamath
Masters student

mobile networking projects

PhantomNet PhantomNet

To enable the fundamental research and innovation demanded to advance mobile networking beyond the state-of-the-art, a new facility called PhantomNet is being developed and coupled with the Emulab testbed at the University of Utah. PhantomNet will be a fully programmable end-to-end testbed with unique features to facilitate research efforts at the intersection of mobile networking, cloud computing and software defined networking.   

We are open for business! Go here: PhantomNet Portal.

We are pleased to host the first PhantomNet User's Workshop.

Join us for a PhantomNet based totorial on "4G to 5G and beyond: From theory to practice" at IEEE CCNC 2016.


POWDER (the Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research) is a facility for experimenting on the future of wireless networking in a city-scale “living laboratory.” Visit the POWDER portal.

recent mobile networking publications (see all)

Digital Spectrum Twins for Enhanced Spectrum Sharing and Other Radio Applications
Serhat Tadik, Kaitlyn M. Graves, Michael A. Varner, Christopher R. Anderson, David Johnson, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Neal Patwari, Jacobus (Kobus) Van der Merwe, and Gregory D. Durgin
In IEEE RFID 8(), 2024 [ bibtex ]
An NSF REU Site Based on Trust and Reproducibility of Intelligent Computation: Experience Report
Mary Hall, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Eric Eide, Johanna Cohoon, Jeff M. Phillips, Mu Zhang, Shireen Y. Elhabian, Aditya Bhaskara, Harvey Dam, Artem Yadrov, Tushar Kataria, Amir Mohammad Tavakkoli, Sameeran Joshi, and Mokshagna Sai Teja Karanam
In SC-W 2023 [ bibtex ]
OZTrust: An O-RAN Zero-Trust Security System
Hao (Harry) Jiang, Hyunseok Chang, Sarit Mukherjee, and Jacobus (Kobus) Van der Merwe
In IEEE NFV-SDN 2023 [ pdf :: bibtex ]