Todd L. Miller
You are in a maze of twisty links, all alike.
> U


On the fourth floor of the building, behind three doors, lays a maze of
grey-carpeted semi-portable walls.  Scrolls, in various shapes and
sizes, are being thrown over walls, but the censors perched on the ceiling
swoop down, scissors flashing, on about half of them.

A straight way through the maze lays to the east; to the west, a water

There is an agile Freenet here.
> look at Freenet
(Assuming you meant the agile Freenet, and not its source.)

The agile Freenet perks up its ears.  You hear "CHK://" before the sound
becomes unintelligible, but the agile Freneet listens for a while longer,
and then looks at a long scroll, copies part of it, and tosses the result
over the wall.  A censor hoots disdainfully and destroys the scroll.  The
agile Freenet scurries under the table and makes puppy eyes at you.  Another
scroll flies over the wall unmolested.

There is an agile Freenet here, and a scroll, labeled '/.'.
> read scroll

It is a scroll of Linux Bigotry.  You gain Immunity to Flames, and Pyrokinesis.
> flame censor

The censor is immune to criticism.
> copy long scroll

You copy the long scroll.
> write '/.' on the scroll

You write '/.' on the scroll with your Pen of HTTP Headers.

The agile Freenet wonders what you're doing.
> throw scroll over the wall

The censor lets it pass, and you hear a triumphant squeaking from the
other side, followed by "CHK://" and more gibberish, to which the agile
Freenet listens.  It copies a different part of the long scroll and throws
it over the wall; and the censor destroys it.
> write 'write '/.' on scroll with the Pen of HTTP Headers' on the long scroll

The next time the agile Freenet hears "CHK://", it writes '/.' on the scroll,
with its Pen of HTTP Headers, and throws it over the wall.  The censor ignores
it.  More triumphant squeaking, and the agile Freenet writes 'write /. on
scroll with the Pen of HTTP Headers' on a new scroll, writes '/.' on it, and
throws it over the wall.  A few seconds later, another scroll labeled '/.'
flies back over the wall.
> read scroll

It is a scroll of Forbidden Phrases.  You gain Political Awareness.

Agile Freenet was originally developed by Robert Ricci for his thesis (will be available early August), and I did the work necessary to bring it up to date with respect to Freenet, as part of my research here over the summer.