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RE: casino litter check ups

Lola weighed in at 18 pounds, 3 oz on Saturday.  She is doing great and
loves absolutely everyone she meets.  The only things she seems to be scared
of is strollers.  The few times she has seen one she gets quite nervous.
Other than that she is doing just great.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-brierpups@fast.cs.utah.edu
[mailto:owner-brierpups@fast.cs.utah.edu]On Behalf Of Gina Heitz
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 11:29 AM
To: brierpups@fast.cs.utah.edu
Cc: kmk@carlthewebmaster.com; hichris@onlinemac.com;
Subject: RE: casino litter check ups

Reo Checks in too:

Reo, is 18 pounds as of last Friday and is experiencing a bout of giardia,
just mild load so to speak, but enough to require 5 days of Metronidazole
so we can sleep past 2:00AM when she needed to get up and go potty two
nights in a row.  I waited it out a couple of days as often puppies will
have unexplained issues that just go away.

She has been going lots of places, at least 4 trips out this past week to
new and different places.  She went along on the emergency run to buy a new
freezer and was the hit of the appliance store.  BTW, no one was concerned
about a dog being in the store.  She was the hit at the bank, several of
the tellers and the manager all wanted me to deposit her!  "Worth her
weight in gold" was the comment.

  The vet of course thought she was absolutely adorable and looks just like
her dad.  She drug out a picture of SeaJay I had given the clinic and
compared...  She too has some mild vaginitis no secondary infection like
Milka who's acne is probably secondary to this.  Girl pup's often have this
and if it goes to secondary skin reaction/infection, normally referred to
as puppy infentigo <sp> a course of antibiotics is often called for to
treat the secondary issue and what my vet has prescribed in the past is
Keflex or Cephalexin which ever you call the drug they are the same, a
broad spectrum antibiotic, very safe for puppies.  I also wash the skin
with a mild antibacterial hand soap and rinse well and final rinse is with
vinegar water to neutralize.

On flea's:  We have not had any noted here on Reo but did have to do an
extra dose of Frontline on the big dogs this season so no surprise
here.  With the little ones I recommend using Advantage over
Frontline.  Advantage does wash off and Frontline does not but it's just
milder so to speak. But beyond 12 weeks and we are past that, Frontline is
fine.  Any of you with cats may find that you need to treat more often than
those without.  Cats for some reason are flea magnets and fleas don't care
if it's cats or dogs who the feed off of...

   I don't recommend treating your house or yard unless there is a HUGE
infestation but treating all your animals is imperative and with winter
coming and everyone going to be indoors more you may find you need to treat
for three months or so before you get a good environmental clean up.

Well All, as we all know now the US has taken action in Afghanistan this
morning, we all feel a sense of insecurity loss and compassion.  However,
we all need to make sure we move forward with our lives and I do not think
posting here is wrong, moving forward with our day to day lives is
important too.  I do support respect for times of crisis but at the same
point we all need to have some escape, and for me you all are that.  As we
await more uncertainty to come surely and some very personal pain possibly
even losses please do feel it's ok to post share stories, questions and

Big Hug's to One and All,
