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FW: dog search and rescue

I got this from a close friend.  Don't know much about the organization but
thought I'd share.  Hope all is well with everyone, Karin

-----Original Message-----
From: the deevah sage [mailto:jewel@metalab.unc.edu]
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 11:32 AM
To: Karin Krchnak
Subject: dog search and rescue

Subject: Search and Rescue
From: Leila Ledbetter <bondgirl_texas@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 07:44:43 -0700 (PDT)
X-Message-Number: 8

This came through on another list I'm on and is a topic near and dear
my heart.

As you may have heard, many teams of search and rescue dogs and humans
have raced to the aid of our country. Urban SAR is very difficult, and
very dangerous.  I have been told that the majority of the SAR dogs who
went to Oklahoma City died as a result of inhaling the chemicals (like
copier/printer toner, cleaning fluid, asbestos, etc.) that were in the
debris.  So these teams that are going to NY and DC are placing
themselves in great danger in order to help.  Also, the humans must
take time off from work and incur the expenses to get to the disaster

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation is asking for donations. They
have sent teams to the disaster sight.  Spread the word and help in any
way you can. http://www.ndsdf.org


"I can't believe the news today...I can't close my eyes and make it go
away...."  ~ U2

Jewel Ward            IM: Silverfern1 ICQ#: 60159309
jewel@ibiblio.org     http://www.ibiblio.org/jewel
jewel@sunsite.unc.edu ==> jewel@metalab.unc.edu ==> jewel@ibiblio.org