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Daisy stuff

Today is the first day Daisy went in her crate on her own for one of her
naps. I bring it downstairs every morning and usually put it in the
family room. Today I put it by the sliding back door (in the kitchen)
and she loves it there. I had the door open this morning with the screen
on and she slept like a baby.
It really helps me to keep an eye on her having the baby gate up so she
is confined to the kitchen and family room, that is where we are most of
the day anyway. When the kids want to play with their legos or color
they just go on the other side of the gate to the living room.
She seems to have learned to sit, but is having a hard time with "off".
Wants to be on the couch with the kids while they watch their tv. Got a
hold of Barbie this morning and totally ran from me, she knew it was not
one of her toys!
She is eating great, and loves her apple slices or carrots. I bought
some chicken wings but have not given her one yet. Also bought some of
those soup bones and will try that this week.
We have been fighting colds at our house so finally feeling back in the
swing of things.
Hope everyone else is having as much fun as we are with their new
babies, and thanks to you all for this email communication, it is a
p.s. Do you all find that your Brier babies think they are lap dogs too.
Daisy loves to crawl up in our laps and just soak up the love, she could
do that for hours (so could we).
More later,