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new pictures

Hi All,

Sam has a new picture on his page at: 


Also Bill came over to fetch up Emma today so she and Bill can be seen at Gin was not able to come but I got a Bear report that he is doing great, the vet gave him a good report and I imagine by now he and Emma are getting acquainted. (9:45 PM)


Brad  Kim and Riley came over and picked up Reagan but for some reason the camera did a bleep and their pix got dumped. :-(  Never fear though they will be back next week and I will get a second chance... 

Reports coming in on the One litter are outstanding, most have had really easy first nights.  Jan Radley reported to me today that Ripley is already scratching at the door to be let out to do her thing.  Like her father I guess...  SeaJay did this at 8 weeks too!  She and Kryten are getting along well and actually Ripley has intimidated Kryten already!  You go girl!  No surprise as Kryten is such a sweet boy, very submissive, loving yet typical boy, you know wants to dunk his sisters pig tails in the ink wells... <smile>

Joyce Brooks says that the whole neighborhood loves Abbey and that she is sleeping well eating better and having a ball.  A bit of excessive licking of her vulva which could be vaginitis.  My tip on this is to mix up 25% vinegar  75% water and to clean the area a couple of times per day.  This is fairly normal for puppy girls and often will resolve it's self with out treatment, but should be noted to your vet at any rate.

Ok, heading for the bed,
