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Re: Fwd: our golden retrievers

> From: Gina Heitz <brier@oregonsbest.com>
> Subject: Fwd: our golden retrievers
> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:53:44 -0800
> Some of the names in this story have been changed to provide privacy but 
> this is a very typical rescue call...  I wanted to share this with you all 
> so you too can know the damage a golden can do left to his or her own 
> devices...  Some puppies on this list are about the same age as M&M, how 
> sad huh? Judy and I will both respond to this and it's quite possible we 
> may have two 11 month old GR's to place...

So, it seems like there are some lessons to be learned in this story. Just
not sure what they are. Getting two puppies at once? Not crate training
them? Not going to obedience classes? Getting two dogs when no one is home
most of the time?

Stuff like this doesn't just happen.

