Class:                  frbuttonclass
Superclass:             buttongclass
Description:            A button gadget that knows how to outline its
                        "label" within a shared "frame image".

New Methods:


Changed Methods:

OM_NEW - Will set up its dimensions depending on GA_Image, including
support for frame images.  If GA_Image understands the IM_FRAMEBOX
method, dimensions are calculated to surround the "label" stashed in
GadgetText, which can be GA_IntuiText, GA_Text, or GA_LabelImage.

OM_SET - If you change the dimensions, this method will adjust the
contents by using IM_FRAMEBOX with FRAMEIF_SPECIFY.


GM_RENDER - uses IM_DRAWFRAME.  First draws the frame, then draws the
contents or label described under OM_NEW.


GA_Width                        (IS)
GA_Height                       (IS)

If you change these, the contents will be readjusted and the gadget re-


This is probably one of the worst classes to use since it can be a pain to figure out what is wrong. First of all, it doesn't work with any of the GREL_ flags, so if you need to a gadget that does use mine or one of the others out there. There is also a lot of confusion about the GA_Width/GA_Height attributes since you can't set them on initialization. If you need to adjust the size, first make all of the needed gadgets and then adjust them later.