(set @app-name "Betty") (set #wrongversion (cat "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' " "on your Amiga!\n\nThe installation procedure needs at least Installer 42.9.\n\n" "Please check your configuration!" )) (set #welcome (cat "Welcome to the the Installation of the Betty GUI System!" )) (if (< @installer-version 2752521) ( (message #wrongversion) (exit (quiet)) ) ) (welcome #welcome) (set #instmode (askchoice (prompt "What do you want to do?") (help @askchoice-help) (choices "Install" "Uninstall") (default 0) ) ) (if (= #instmode 0) ( ;Install (complete 0) (set #classdir (askdir (prompt "Select the dir where Betty should be installed. (A dir named 'Betty' will be created)") (help @askdir-help) (default "sys:") ) ) (makedir (tackon #classdir "Betty") (infos) ) (set #classdir (tackon #classdir "Betty")) (set @default-dest #classdir) (makedir (tackon #classdir "Classes") (infos) ) (makedir (tackon #classdir "S") (infos) ) (working "Un-Archiving all_cl.lha") (run ("lha x all_cl.lha %s" (tackon #classdir "Classes/")) ) (complete 75) (working "Un-Archiving handlers_lib.lha") (run ("lha x handlers_lib.lha %s" ("%s/" #classdir)) ) (complete 80) (working "Un-Archiving errorserv_lib.lha") (run ("lha x errorserv_lib.lha %s" ("%s/" #classdir)) ) (complete 85) (working "Un-Archiving classerv_lib.lha") (run ("lha x classerv_lib.lha %s" ("%s/" #classdir)) ) (complete 90) (working "Copying classerver files") (copyfiles (source (tackon #classdir "classerv/classname.map")) (dest (tackon #classdir "S")) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon #classdir "classerv/globalclass.map")) (dest (tackon #classdir "S")) ) (makeassign "BettyHome" #classdir) (run "assign libs: BettyHome:libs add") (run "assign libs: BettyHome:classes add") (run "assign s: BettyHome:s add") (run "bettyhome:errorserv/errorserver") (run "bettyhome:classerv/classerver") (complete 95) (startup "Betty" (help @startup-help) (prompt "Adding assigns, and startup to Startup") (command ("assign BettyHome: %s\n" #classdir)) (command "assign libs: BettyHome:libs add\n") (command "assign libs: BettyHome:classes add\n") (command "assign s: BettyHome:s add\n") (command "bettyhome:errorserv/errorserver\n") (command "bettyhome:classerv/classerver\n") ) ) ( ;Uninstall (complete 0) (set #classdir (askdir (prompt "Where is the directory that contains the Betty directory?") (help @askdir-help) (default "sys:") ) ) (set #classdir (tackon #classdir "Betty")) (delete #classdir (prompt ("Are you sure you want to delete %s?" #classdir)) (all) (confirm) (help @delete-help) (infos) ) ) )