Provo Canyon (North Fork)

Elevation Profile


This ride is typically done as part of the larger Alpine Loop ride, it being the ``other side'' of American Fork Canyon. The part of interest here is from the beginning of State Road 80 (i.e. the turn-off to Sundance) to Summit Campground. A very scenic, winding road in the shadow of Mt. Timpanogos. The first 2-3 miles from the turn-off to just past Sundance are pretty tough but past that it is pretty easy going. From the turn-off to Summit Campground is 8.8 miles and 2840 vertical feet.

Measured Road Distances

Miles   Elev.  Landmark          Latitude, Longitude
0.0     5220   Sundance turnoff
2.3     6090   Sundance
8.8     8060   Summit campground

Mike Hibler <>