Adaptive Protocols for Informatin Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks

Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman, Joanna Kulik, Hari Balakrishnan (MIT), 1999

Summary. The authors present SPIN, a protocol for info dissemination in computatinally and power challenged wireless sensor networks that features:

By eliminating duplicate data transmissions, the protocol can deliver 60% more data given the same amount of energy than conventional approaches.

More detail.

Wireless networks of sensors are likely to become widely deployed due to benefits. They:

Challenges of wireless sensor network devices:

Challenges of wireless sensor network protocols:

SPIN overcomes the three protocol difficiencies above using (1) meta-date negotiation prior to data transmissin to ensure that the receiver desires and needs the data and (2) resource-adaptation to allow the device to be more prudent about sending data when power supplies are low.

The SPIN-1 Protocol:

SPIN-2 Protocol:

Extended ns to understand SPIN. Simulated several conventional protocols and SPIN protocols:


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