Enabling Large-scale Simulations: Selective Abstraction Approach to the Study of Multicast Protocols

Huang, Estrin, Heidemann (USC/ISI), 1998

Summary. ns simulation does not scale with respect to time or memory as the simulation scenario grows large. The authors demonstrate how details can be abstracted in certain situations to allow orders of magnitude increase in scenario size. It is critical to understand, howver, that what abstractions can be done and what effects they'll have on results is scenario specific.

More Detail

One approach to scaling simulation studies is to apply parallelism and distributed simulation; this can be costly and require non-standard hardware. The authors present two types of simulation abstraction, both applied to multicast:

The authors present the following steps to help users conduct their own abstraction techniques:

  1. Define scaling factors/dimensions (varying input) and measurement metrics (output)
  2. Start from small-scale detailed simulations.
  3. Profile simulations to find bottleneck.
  4. Adapt techniques to avoid simulation bottleneck.
  5. Verify simulations in small-scale in detailed mode.
  6. If the differences between the two versions is not crucial to the research question, simulate larger-scale sims using the improved version.

The authors did a case study on SRM using both abstraction types. Though the studies' resource consumption did decrease, the shape of the curve did not change.

Kristin Wright
Last modified: Tue Nov 16 14:50:36 MST 1999