Flux Research Group / School of Computing

GENI: A Federated Testbed For Innovative Network Experiments

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Mark Berman, Jeffrey S Chase, Lawrence Landweber, Aki Nakao, Max Ott, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Robert Ricci, and Ivan Seskar

Computer Networks 61(0), March 2014.



GENI, the Global Environment for Networking Innovation, is a distributed virtual laboratory for transformative, at-scale experiments in network science, services, and security. Designed in response to concerns over Internet ossification, GENI is enabling a wide variety of experiments in a range of areas, including clean-slate networking, protocol design and evaluation, distributed service offerings, social network integration, content management, and in-network service deployment. Recently, GENI has been leading an effort to explore the potential of its underlying technologies, SDN and GENI racks, in support of university campus network management and applications. With the concurrent deployment of these technologies on regional and national R&E backbones, this will result in a revolutionary new national-scale distributed architecture, bringing to the entire network the shared, deeply programmable environment that the cloud has brought to the datacenter. This deeply programmable environment will support the GENI research mission and as well as enabling research in a wide variety of application areas.