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[Testbed-admins] FC8 image not mounting all project user's home directories

I'm trying to customize the FC8 image for our testbed and am finding that when I swap it into an experiment it does not mount all the users home directories, but it does mount some.

Secondly, the root password seems to always get reset. I verified that the password in the shadow file that I placed in the /etc/ and /etc/emulab directory initially has the correct value. But when I swap the image in with an experiment it is reset to something else. It is putting the correct passwords for the project's user's in the shadow file though, so something is working...

Any ideas what might be causing this? Is there a step for FC8 that is required to customize it that is different than the generic images?

Harley Green
Network Systems Department
The Aerospace Corporation
(310) 336-0772

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