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[csmith-bugs] Git version: function returning address of parameter

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Eric Eide <eeide@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>        Pascal> csmith-project-csmith-git-conversion-HEAD-34-g1e0418a.tar.gz
>        Pascal>
>        Pascal> However, I am not sure how I should go about reporting bugs
>        Pascal> against this snapshot
> Recent (post 2.0.0) versions of Csmith output the "short hash" of the latest
> git commit from which they are built.  For example:
> /*
>  *
>  * Generator: csmith 2.1.0
>  * Git version: 4f53cd0

Hmm, I built Csmith in the usual way (configure, make) and I get headers like:

 * Generator: csmith 2.1.0
 * Git version: exported
 * Options:   --no-volatiles --no-argc --max-array-dim 2 --max-funcs 3
--max-struct-fields 3 --bitfields
 * Seed:      1385513962

I'm afraid this is because I downloaded a .tar.gz from the github website,
which is about the level of github involvement I hoped would suffice.

Anyway, the .tar.gz file is still the aforementioned
and it generated the attached program.
I modified it only by inserting the line that contains "DANGLING CHECK".

When I compile it as a little-endian 64-bit program with gcc, I get:

DANGLING CHECK: &p_5:0x7fffaceb008c, returning:0x7fffaceb008c
checksum = E94CCCEA

We have had this discussion with John before, but I would
argue that passing the result of func_4() to func_2() counts
as "read[ing]" in:

"The value of a pointer becomes indeterminate when the object it
points to reaches the end of its lifetime. (6.2.4 §2)"

"indeterminate value: either an unspecified value or a trap
representation (3.7.12)"

"Certain object representations need not represent a value of the
object type. If the stored value of an object has such a
representation and is read by an lvalue expression that does not have
character type, the behavior is undefined. [...]	Such a representation
is called a trap representation. ( §5)."

 * Generator: csmith 2.1.0
 * Git version: exported
 * Options:   --no-volatiles --no-argc --max-array-dim 2 --max-funcs 3 --max-struct-fields 3 --bitfields
 * Seed:      1385513962

#include "csmith.h"

static long __undefined;

/* --- Struct/Union Declarations --- */
struct S0 {
   int32_t  f0;
   const int32_t  f1;

/* --- GLOBAL VARIABLES --- */
static int32_t g_13 = 1L;
static int32_t *g_16 = &g_13;
static int32_t **g_42[7][6] = {{&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}, {&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}, {&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}, {&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}, {&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}, {&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}, {&g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16, &g_16}};
static int32_t g_46[3][9] = {{0x78A42286L, 0x78A42286L, 0x98A7B986L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0x98A7B986L, 0x78A42286L, 0x78A42286L}, {0x78A42286L, 0x78A42286L, 0x98A7B986L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0x98A7B986L, 0x78A42286L, 0x78A42286L}, {0x78A42286L, 0x78A42286L, 0x98A7B986L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0x98A7B986L, 0x78A42286L, 0x78A42286L}};
static int32_t g_56 = 1L;
static int32_t g_58 = 1L;
static int32_t g_59 = 1L;
static struct S0 g_70 = {0L,0x7D00C9FBL};
static const uint8_t g_119 = 1U;
static struct S0 *g_145 = &g_70;
static struct S0 **g_144 = &g_145;
static uint32_t g_162 = 8U;

static int16_t  func_1(void);
static int32_t * func_2(int32_t * const  p_3);
static int32_t * func_4(int32_t  p_5, uint8_t  p_6, int32_t  p_7, uint16_t  p_8, int8_t  p_9);

/* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_13 g_16 g_42 g_46 g_59 g_58 g_70.f1 g_56 g_70.f0
 * writes: g_16 g_13 g_46 g_56 g_58 g_59 g_70.f0
static int16_t  func_1(void)
{ /* block id: 0 */
    int32_t l_12 = 0x31551DA6L;
    int32_t **l_55 = &g_16;
    int32_t l_117[6][9] = {{(-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L), 0x40C694B4L, (-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L)}, {(-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L), 0x40C694B4L, (-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L)}, {(-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L), 0x40C694B4L, (-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L)}, {(-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L), 0x40C694B4L, (-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L)}, {(-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L), 0x40C694B4L, (-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L)}, {(-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L), 0x40C694B4L, (-1L), 0x40C694B4L, (-2L), (-2L)}};
    int32_t *l_168 = 0;
    int32_t *l_169 = &g_58;
    int8_t l_170 = 0x75L;
    int i, j;
    (*l_55) = func_2(func_4((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u(1U, l_12)), g_13, l_12, g_13, l_12));
    for (g_13 = 5; (g_13 >= 1); g_13 -= 1)
    { /* block id: 86 */
        uint32_t l_65 = 0x82D269A6L;
        int32_t *l_78 = &g_56;
        (*l_55) = (*l_55);
        for (l_12 = 5; (l_12 >= 0); l_12 -= 1)
        { /* block id: 90 */
            uint8_t l_63 = 0xE2L;
            int32_t *l_72 = &g_46[1][4];
            for (g_56 = 5; (g_56 >= 0); g_56 -= 1)
            { /* block id: 93 */
                int32_t *l_57 = &g_46[0][4];
                struct S0 *l_69[6];
                int i, j;
                for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    l_69[i] = &g_70;
                (*l_55) = l_57;
                for (g_58 = 0; (g_58 <= 2); g_58 += 1)
                { /* block id: 97 */
                    int8_t l_62 = 0x53L;
                    uint8_t l_64[1][4];
                    const int32_t *l_67 = &g_46[1][4];
                    const int32_t **l_66 = &l_67;
                    struct S0 **l_71 = &l_69[4];
                    int i, j;
                    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            l_64[i][j] = 0xE9L;
                    for (g_59 = 0; (g_59 <= 5); g_59 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 100 */
                        return g_59;
                    if ((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((((g_46[0][4] < g_13) < l_62) != l_63), 4)))
                    { /* block id: 103 */
                        int i, j;
                        g_46[g_58][(l_12 + 2)] = l_62;
                        l_65 ^= (18446744073709551609U & l_64[0][1]);
                    { /* block id: 106 */
                        const int32_t ***l_68 = &l_66;
                        (*g_16) &= l_65;
                        (*l_68) = l_66;
                    (*l_71) = l_69[1];
                if ((*g_16))
            for (g_70.f0 = 5; (g_70.f0 >= 0); g_70.f0 -= 1)
            { /* block id: 116 */
                int64_t l_73 = 0x5992B028A4BD3C15LL;
                int32_t l_77 = 0x76A2755EL;
                (*l_55) = l_72;
                if ((0x1B451AF0014B0E7ALL ^ (~((l_73 >= ((**l_55) ^ (**l_55))) || (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(l_65, 12))))))
                { /* block id: 118 */
                    uint64_t l_76 = 0x0432F2B5FAC05FCALL;
                    for (g_58 = 5; (g_58 >= 0); g_58 -= 1)
                    { /* block id: 121 */
                        int i, j;
                        (*g_16) = (**l_55);
                        l_77 &= l_76;
                        (*l_55) = (*l_55);
                        (*l_72) = (**l_55);
                    if ((**l_55))
                    if (g_59)
                        goto lbl_167;
                    (*l_55) = l_72;
                    (*l_55) = l_78;
                { /* block id: 130 */
                    int8_t l_81 = (-4L);
                    int32_t *l_89 = &g_58;
                    struct S0 *l_90 = &g_70;
                    if (((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u(0x11L, g_70.f1)) || g_46[0][4]))
                    { /* block id: 131 */
                        (*g_16) |= l_81;
                        (*l_55) = (*l_55);
                    { /* block id: 134 */
                        const int32_t *l_82 = &g_70.f1;
                        const int32_t **l_83 = &l_82;
                        (*l_55) = (*l_55);
                        (*l_83) = l_82;
                        return (*l_72);
                    if (((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u(((g_59 < g_13) | (&g_42[4][1] != &g_42[6][4])), (*l_78))) < l_77))
                    { /* block id: 139 */
                        return (**l_55);
                    { /* block id: 141 */
                        const uint8_t l_88[2][6] = {{0U, 0x79L, 0x84L, 0x84L, 0x79L, 0U}, {0U, 0x79L, 0x84L, 0x84L, 0x79L, 0U}};
                        int i, j;
                        (*g_16) = (*g_16);
                        (*l_72) = ((((g_13 && (l_73 ^ (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u((*l_78), g_13)))) < (0xA6D2L || g_46[2][2])) && l_88[0][1]) > (**l_55));
                        (*l_55) = l_89;
                        (*l_89) = (*g_16);
                    (**l_55) = (l_77 >= (l_90 != 0));
                    if ((*l_89))
            if (l_65)
                goto lbl_91;
            (*l_55) = (*l_55);
    for (g_13 = (-29); (g_13 < 13); g_13 = safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_13, 1))
    { /* block id: 157 */
        int32_t *l_94 = 0;
        int32_t *l_95 = &g_56;
        int32_t l_124[1];
        int64_t l_136 = 3L;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
            l_124[i] = 0L;
        (*l_95) = (-9L);
        (*l_55) = l_95;
        for (g_56 = (-1); (g_56 != 19); g_56 = safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_56, 1))
        { /* block id: 162 */
            int32_t l_110 = 0xE50EEE4FL;
            int32_t *l_112[3][5];
            struct S0 **l_143 = 0;
            int32_t * const l_160 = &g_13;
            int32_t *l_166 = &l_12;
            int i, j;
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    l_112[i][j] = &g_46[0][4];
            for (g_70.f0 = 0; (g_70.f0 == 17); g_70.f0 = safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(g_70.f0, 1))
            { /* block id: 165 */
                int8_t l_100[6] = {(-1L), 0xB2L, 8L, 8L, 0xB2L, (-1L)};
                int8_t l_111 = 0x2CL;
                int i;
                l_100[5] = (**l_55);
                if (g_56)
                    goto lbl_101;
                l_111 = (0x5118C22CL > (((**l_55) || (safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_100[2], g_56)) < 2U), (-1L)))) > (safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_59, (safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s((g_59 & (g_70.f0 != l_110)), ((**l_55) & g_59)))))));
                if ((**l_55))
        (*l_95) |= (-1L);
    (*l_169) |= (((l_117[5][0] && 0xBB65L) <= 9L) != g_59);
    return l_170;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_46 g_13
 * writes: g_13 g_46
static int32_t * func_2(int32_t * const  p_3)
{ /* block id: 73 */
    int32_t *l_50 = &g_46[1][2];
    int32_t *l_52 = 0;
    int32_t *l_53[5];
    uint64_t l_54 = 0x2894906A58E0DE0CLL;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        l_53[i] = 0;
    for (g_13 = 0; (g_13 != (-25)); g_13 = safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(g_13, 6))
    { /* block id: 76 */
        int32_t **l_51[2][7];
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                l_51[i][j] = &g_16;
        l_50 = l_50;
        if ((*l_50))
    l_54 |= (*l_50);
    (*l_50) = (*l_50);
    return l_53[4];

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_13 g_16 g_42
 * writes: g_16 g_13 g_46
static int32_t * func_4(int32_t  p_5, uint8_t  p_6, int32_t  p_7, uint16_t  p_8, int8_t  p_9)
{ /* block id: 1 */
    int32_t **l_19 = &g_16;
    int8_t l_32[9][6] = {{0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}, {0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L, 0x9AL, 8L}};
    int32_t *l_45 = &g_46[0][4];
    int32_t *l_47[4][1];
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
            l_47[i][j] = &g_46[1][7];
    if ((&g_13 == 0))
    { /* block id: 2 */
        int32_t *l_15 = &g_13;
        int32_t **l_14[4];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            l_14[i] = &l_15;
        g_16 = &g_13;
    { /* block id: 4 */
        int8_t l_29 = 0x51L;
        int32_t l_34[2];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            l_34[i] = 0x0B2B0402L;
        p_5 = (safe_mod_func_uint64_t_u_u((l_19 == &g_16), (safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s((0 != &p_5), 5)), (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_u(p_7, 4))))));
        (*l_19) = &g_13;
        for (p_6 = (-13); (p_6 < 31); p_6 = safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s(p_6, 9))
        { /* block id: 9 */
            int32_t *l_28 = &g_13;
            l_28 = &p_5;
            if (p_9)
            { /* block id: 11 */
                (*g_16) = (((g_13 <= (g_13 | (!(g_13 <= g_13)))) < l_29) > ((((p_9 & (p_9 == p_8)) || (*l_28)) | ((*g_16) >= 0x540F213EL)) != (~((0L || p_6) <= 0x3C3FL))));
                g_16 = &g_13;
            { /* block id: 14 */
                (*l_19) = &g_13;
                for (p_5 = (-8); (p_5 > 10); p_5 = safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s(p_5, 1))
                { /* block id: 18 */
                    int32_t l_33 = 5L;
                    for (l_29 = 5; (l_29 >= 0); l_29 -= 1)
                    { /* block id: 21 */
                        (*g_16) = (*l_28);
                    l_33 = 0xCF3E4C99L;
            l_34[1] = (*l_28);
            (**l_19) = (*g_16);
        for (g_13 = 0; (g_13 <= 5); g_13 += 1)
        { /* block id: 32 */
            int32_t *l_40 = &l_34[1];
            int32_t *l_41 = &g_13;
            for (p_5 = 5; (p_5 >= 0); p_5 -= 1)
            { /* block id: 35 */
                int32_t l_35 = 0x726B4FF5L;
                int i, j;
                (*l_19) = (*l_19);
                if (l_32[(g_13 + 1)][p_5])
                { /* block id: 37 */
                    int i, j;
                    l_35 |= l_32[(p_5 + 2)][p_5];
                    if ((safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(g_13, p_5)))
                    { /* block id: 39 */
                        int32_t *l_38 = &l_35;
                        (*l_38) &= (**l_19);
                        (*l_19) = &p_5;
                        (*l_38) = (g_13 <= p_6);
                        (*l_38) &= l_32[(p_5 + 2)][p_5];
                    { /* block id: 44 */
                        int32_t *l_39 = &l_34[1];
			printf("DANGLING CHECK: &p_5:%p, returning:%p\n", &p_5, *l_19);
                        return (*l_19);
                    (*l_40) &= p_9;
                    (*l_40) = (*g_16);
                { /* block id: 49 */
                    for (p_6 = 1; (p_6 <= 5); p_6 += 1)
                    { /* block id: 52 */
                        (*l_19) = l_41;
                        (*l_19) = &p_5;
                        return &g_13;
            (*l_40) = (*g_16);
            (*l_19) = &g_13;
            (*l_40) = (0 != g_42[6][4]);
            for (p_9 = 0; (p_9 <= 5); p_9 += 1)
            { /* block id: 64 */
                (*l_40) = (*l_41);
    (*l_45) ^= (safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s((p_9 ^ 0x76E5L), (**l_19)));
    (*l_19) = &p_7;
    (*l_19) = &p_7;
    return l_47[0][0];

/* ---------------------------------------- */
int main (void)
    int i, j;
    int print_hash_value = 0;
    transparent_crc(g_13, "g_13", print_hash_value);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
            transparent_crc(g_46[i][j], "g_46[i][j]", print_hash_value);
            if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);

    transparent_crc(g_56, "g_56", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_58, "g_58", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_59, "g_59", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_70.f0, "g_70.f0", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_70.f1, "g_70.f1", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_119, "g_119", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_162, "g_162", print_hash_value);
    platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
    return 0;

/************************ statistics *************************
XXX max struct depth: 1
   depth: 0, occurrence: 82
   depth: 1, occurrence: 1

XXX non-zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX const bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX volatile bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX structs with bitfields in the program: 0
XXX full-bitfields structs in the program: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct's address is taken: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct on LHS: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct on RHS: 0
XXX times a single bitfield on LHS: 0
XXX times a single bitfield on RHS: 0

XXX max expression depth: 2
   depth: 0, occurrence: 91
   depth: 1, occurrence: 10
   depth: 2, occurrence: 1

XXX total number of pointers: 40

XXX times a variable address is taken: 24
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on RHS: 56
   depth: 1, occurrence: 39
   depth: 2, occurrence: 17
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on LHS: 52
   depth: 1, occurrence: 49
   depth: 2, occurrence: 3
XXX times a pointer is compared with null: 4
XXX times a pointer is compared with address of another variable: 3
XXX times a pointer is compared with another pointer: 1
XXX times a pointer is qualified to be dereferenced: 513

XXX max dereference level: 2
   level: 0, occurrence: 0
   level: 1, occurrence: 220
   level: 2, occurrence: 52
XXX number of pointers point to pointers: 12
XXX number of pointers point to scalars: 25
XXX number of pointers point to structs: 3
XXX percent of pointers has null in alias set: 20
XXX average alias set size: 1.3

XXX times a non-volatile is read: 269
XXX times a non-volatile is write: 154
XXX times a volatile is read: 0
XXX    times read thru a pointer: 0
XXX times a volatile is write: 0
XXX    times written thru a pointer: 0
XXX times a volatile is available for access: 0
XXX percentage of non-volatile access: 100

XXX forward jumps: 1
XXX backward jumps: 3

XXX stmts: 220

XXX percentage a fresh-made variable is used: 16.4
XXX percentage an existing variable is used: 83.6
********************* end of statistics **********************/