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[csmith-bugs] 2.0.0: read from and write to the same location within two sequence points


Csmith 2.0.0 generated the attached program.

If instrumented with a printf() statement before and after line 61, a
compilation on a 64-bit little-endian platform shows that line 61 is
reached, and the functions called there all terminate.
It only takes a cursory glance at func_10() to see that if it
terminates, it terminates having modified g_2.
Therefore it seems to me that line 61 contains undefined behavior, as
g_2 is accessed there multiple times for reading and for writing in
addition to the modification by func_10().
 * Generator: csmith 2.0.0
 * svn version: exported
 * Options:   --no-volatiles --no-argc --max-array-dim 2 --max-funcs 3 --max-struct-fields 3 --bitfields
 * Seed:      2230192313

#include "csmith.h"

long __undefined;

/* --- Struct/Union Declarations --- */
/* --- GLOBAL VARIABLES --- */
int32_t g_2 = 2L;
int32_t g_27 = 0xE2095E04L;

int32_t  func_1(void);
int32_t  func_5(uint64_t  p_6, uint8_t  p_7, int64_t  p_8, int8_t  p_9);
uint64_t  func_10(uint32_t  p_11, int16_t  p_12, uint64_t  p_13, int16_t  p_14);

/* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_2 g_27
 * writes: g_2 g_27
int32_t  func_1(void)
{ /* block id: 0 */
    const uint8_t l_19 = 255U;
    int64_t l_23 = 8L;
    int32_t *l_29[7];
    int32_t **l_28 = &l_29[4];
    uint8_t l_33 = 6U;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        l_29[i] = &g_2;
    for (g_2 = 0; (g_2 < 24); g_2 = safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(g_2, 8))
    { /* block id: 3 */
        int64_t l_22[4];
        int32_t *l_26[9];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            l_22[i] = 0x77CCCAEAL;
        for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            l_26[i] = &g_27;
        if (g_2)
        g_27 ^= (func_5(l_22[0], g_2, g_2, g_2) ^ l_22[0]);
    if (g_2)
        goto lbl_30;
    (*l_28) = &g_2;
    g_2 = g_2;
    (**l_28) = (g_27 <= (0L || func_10(g_2, ((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_27, ((**l_28) != l_33))) || (-7L)), (0x7A4860C01EF4FC6ALL & func_5(((**l_28) <= (**l_28)), g_2, (**l_28), g_27)), g_2)));
    return g_2;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_2
 * writes:
int32_t  func_5(uint64_t  p_6, uint8_t  p_7, int64_t  p_8, int8_t  p_9)
{ /* block id: 5 */
    return g_2;

/* ------------------------------------------ */
 * reads : g_2
 * writes: g_2
uint64_t  func_10(uint32_t  p_11, int16_t  p_12, uint64_t  p_13, int16_t  p_14)
{ /* block id: 7 */
    uint64_t l_15[7] = {2U, 0xD37A5B7DL, 0xC97412DFL, 0xD37A5B7DL, 2U, 18446744073709551615U, 2U};
    int32_t *l_16 = &g_2;
    int i;
    for (p_13 = 0; p_13 < 7; p_13 += 1)
        l_15[p_13] = 0x5FE46C2EL;
    (*l_16) = (0x3FL && ((l_15[1] == (g_2 != p_12)) | (~((g_2 != g_2) != (g_2 == p_13)))));
    (*l_16) = func_5(g_2, p_12, (*l_16), func_5(g_2, p_14, (*l_16), g_2));
    return (*l_16);

/* ---------------------------------------- */
int main (void)
    int print_hash_value = 0;
    transparent_crc(g_2, "g_2", print_hash_value);
    transparent_crc(g_27, "g_27", print_hash_value);
    platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
    return 0;

/************************ statistics *************************
XXX max struct depth: 0
   depth: 0, occurrence: 10

XXX non-zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX const bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX volatile bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX structs with bitfields in the program: 0
XXX full-bitfields structs in the program: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct's address is taken: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct on LHS: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct on RHS: 0
XXX times a single bitfield on LHS: 0
XXX times a single bitfield on RHS: 0

XXX max expression depth: 0
   depth: 0, occurrence: 9

XXX total number of pointers: 4

XXX times a variable address is taken: 3
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on RHS: 7
   depth: 1, occurrence: 3
   depth: 2, occurrence: 4
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on LHS: 4
   depth: 1, occurrence: 3
   depth: 2, occurrence: 1
XXX times a pointer is compared with null: 0
XXX times a pointer is compared with address of another variable: 0
XXX times a pointer is compared with another pointer: 0
XXX times a pointer is qualified to be dereferenced: 26

XXX max dereference level: 2
   level: 0, occurrence: 0
   level: 1, occurrence: 10
   level: 2, occurrence: 6
XXX number of pointers point to pointers: 1
XXX number of pointers point to scalars: 3
XXX number of pointers point to structs: 0
XXX percent of pointers has null in alias set: 0
XXX average alias set size: 1

XXX times a non-volatile is read: 60
XXX times a non-volatile is write: 12
XXX times a volatile is read: 0
XXX    times read thru a pointer: 0
XXX times a volatile is write: 0
XXX    times written thru a pointer: 0
XXX times a volatile is available for access: 0
XXX percentage of non-volatile access: 100

XXX forward jumps: 1
XXX backward jumps: 0

XXX stmts: 19

XXX percentage a fresh-made variable is used: 7.14
XXX percentage an existing variable is used: 92.9
********************* end of statistics **********************/